Moel Hebog to Moel Lefn Walking

Moel Hebog is a smaller mountain that sits in the inner orbit of Snowdon, yet despite the geographical proximity this hill is a world apart from the bun fight that is often found on the summit of its loftier neighbour. This route takes in Moel Hebog and the ridge that runs North towards Rhyd Ddu, followed by a valley walk back to Beddgelert (unless you have two cars and pre-place one in the Beddgelert Forest Car Park).

Benign weather on the Hebog/Nantle section...full-on winter conditions to come! © Tom Phillips  © Tom Phillips
Benign weather on the Hebog/Nantle section...full-on winter conditions to come! © Tom Phillips
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SH5880648138 From the car park walk towards the Welsh Highland Railway station and walk away from the car park on the right side of the railway tracks along a path. At the end of the platform there is a small path that crosses the tracks and heads through a field; keep to the right side to head over a small bridge that gives access to a private road. Walk along this for 400m or so to just before the road makes a sharp left, where the Lon Gwyrfai footpath heads off to the right. After less than 50m the path splits.

SH5799147940 From the split in the path take the lefthand path that starts to lead more uphill towards the summit. For the first 200m of altitude gain the path is on some open hillside but after that it picks up a prominent ridge line that leads up to the summit of Moel Hebog. This section of the path is well worn and popular with people simply going to the summit and back.
Looking across at Moel Hebog and the rest of the ridge line to its North.  © Mark Reeves
Looking across at Moel Hebog and the rest of the ridge line to its North.
© Mark Reeves, Jul 2017

SH5648446926 In bad visibility you will need to take a bearing to reach the col at Bwlch Meillionen, which lies north-west of the summit. From Bwlch Meillionen carry along the ridge in roughly the same direction to reach the summit of Moel Yr Ogof.

SH5563847834 It is a fairly easy amble to get from Moel Yr Ogof to Moel Lefn via the main ridge that links them.
Moel Hebog  © Nicholas Livesey
Moel Hebog
© Nicholas Livesey

SH5530148535 The descent of Moel Lefn is probably the hardest part of this route, with a need to be able to route find on fairly complex mountainous terrain. In particular, after you have been walking along the long flat summit ridge, you then descend a steeper rockier section. Whilst this should not be scrambling, it does require sound mountain judgement in getting to the bottom of the steep section before you move to the left to follow the undulating ridge down and right to Bwlch Cwm-Trwsgyl, which has great views out across to Snowdon.

SH5531449674 The descent through the forest is something of a maze, although recent forestry work means the area is a little bit more open. Descend via a path from the col to pick up a main forestry track. Head down this very briefly and then take a path leading off right. Follow this over a slight rise before the path starts to descend slowly as it crosses the hillside before moving back in what was once a forested area. The path then starts to descend more steeply and eventually you come through a small clearing before meeting the Lon Gwyrfai near Hafod Ruffyd Ganol. If you parked a second your car in the Beddgelert Forestry Car Park you will need to turn left here.

SH5698049615 From the junction with the Lon Gwyrfai pathway, turn right and follow the track back along the valley floor to eventually reach the point you turned off the track and headed up Moel Hebog. From here reverse your steps back to the car park.

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