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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 133 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Harborough Rocks, Staden Quarry, Standing Stones, Castle Naze, Horseshoe Quarry, Portobello, Laggantalluch, Back Forest, Newstones and Baldstones, Harpur Hill Quarry ... plus 123 more

Photo Gallery

Lesley Burgess below Pangpoche summit, Manaslu dominates the vista

Lesley Burgess below Pangpoche summit, Manaslu dominates the vista
© nickcanute

last pitch of the day, Red Gully, Coire an t'Sneachda

last pitch of the day, Red Gully, Coire an t'Sneachda
© nickcanute

ian milward on starting ramp of geronimo

ian milward on starting ramp of geronimo
© nickcanute

Manaslu from Pangpoche summit

Manaslu from Pangpoche summit
© nickcanute

nick canute on the superb east side traverse, E1 5c ***

nick canute on the superb east side traverse, E1 5c ***
© nickcanute


© nickcanute

black mount sunset

black mount sunset
© nickcanute

nice conditions in gully, wind blasting off the top

nice conditions in gully, wind blasting off the top
© nickcanute

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Click to list photo comments written by me. (30 comments)
I've voted for 61 photos, average vote 3.5.
(27% superb - 29% good - 18% average - 14% poor - 9% rubbish)

Anything Else We Should Know
Walked up the Munros and Wainwrights, still traipsing about on Corbetts,Grahams, Hewitts and Marilyns.

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