Contributed by LakesWinter Jul/19 - This public hilllist has been seen 6,358 times

All the routes from Steve Ashton and Stephen Reid's classic guidebook to the Lakes.
Three of the routes in the original selection have fallen down - North Crag Eliminate, Deer Bield Buttress and Deer Bield Crack. I've not added these routes to this ticklist.

grooved arete pikes crag  © topcat65
grooved arete pikes crag
© topcat65, Jun 2014

66 users are subscribed to this hilllist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Martin Bennett 81% 5 Jun, 2023
2nd Shaw Brown 64% 10 Jun, 2023
3rd Mick King 63% 2 Jun
4th steve prior 59% 7 Jul, 2019
5th Graeme Hammond 58% 8 Sep, 2023
6th Hidden 58% 10 Sep, 2023
7th Ian Hinkins 57% 1 Jun, 2023
8th Hidden 56% 11 May
9th Tri5 47% 20 Jul, 2023
10th steveoracle 45% 22 Jan, 2023

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Note: Only showing summits, scrambles, winter routes, and low grade climbs

Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this hilllist

Rory on The Bludgeon at Shepherds

The Bludgeon
Rory on The Bludgeon at Shepherds
© Ken Lewis

Chris Bonington still climbing at 78. Legend

Little Chamonix
Chris Bonington still climbing at 78. Legend
© Paluchi

Gimmer String

Gimmer String
© Nadir khan

Jade making her way up Botterill's Slab in the cloud.

Botterill's Slab
Jade making her way up Botterill's Slab in the cloud.
© JohnHartley

Katie climbs The Bludgeon in typical Autumnal conditions.

The Bludgeon
Katie climbs The Bludgeon in typical Autumnal conditions.
© Tom McNally

great night on napes needle

The Wasdale Crack
great night on napes needle
© tjmillen

Trad team on Rake End Chimney, Pavey Ark.

Rake End Chimney
Trad team on Rake End Chimney, Pavey Ark.
© Grey O'Dwyer

An evening above the clouds on Gable

Arrowhead Ridge Direct
An evening above the clouds on Gable
© Nicholas Livesey

Lake District cloud inversion

Grooved Arete
Lake District cloud inversion
© milus

"Katie, can you climb Little Chamonix in a dinosaur suit?" "You bet Jurassican!"

Little Chamonix
"Katie, can you climb Little Chamonix in a dinosaur suit?" "You bet Jurassican!"
© Luke Briggs

'D' Route, Gimmer

'D' Route
'D' Route, Gimmer
© Steve Broadbent

Unknown climber on Slip Knot

Slip Knot
Unknown climber on Slip Knot
© Skyfall

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Thompson's Route VD ** 13 ? Scafell Crag
Woodhead's Climb S 4a *** 24 ? Scafell Crag
Slingsby's Chimney Route VD ** 151 103m • 4 Scafell Crag
Hopkinson's Gully VS 4b *** 98 ? Scafell Crag
Jone's Route Direct from Lord's Rake HS 4b *** 310 ? Scafell Crag
Direct from Lord's Rake to Hopkinson's Cairn S 4a *** 49 ? Scafell Crag
Moss Ledge Direct and Jones' Arete VS 4c *** 195 ? Scafell Crag
Moss Ghyll (Winter) IV 5 *** 90 135m • 4 Scafell Crag
Moss Ghyll Grooves VS 4c *** 670 79m • 4 Scafell Crag
Slab and Groove Route HVS 4c ** 80 72m • 2 Scafell Crag
Central Buttress E1 5b *** 658 122m • 6 Scafell Crag
Botterill's Slab VS 4c *** 794 87m • 3 Scafell Crag
Mickledore Grooves VS 5a *** 347 67m • 2 Scafell East...
The Centaur HVS 5a *** 157 ? Scafell East...
Great Eastern Route VS 4c ** 106 ? Scafell East...
The Yellow Slab HVS 4c *** 111 ? Scafell East...
Ichabod E2 5c *** 288 ? Scafell East...
Phoenix E2 5c *** 115 ? • 2 Scafell East...
Hell's Groove E1 5b ** 86 ? Scafell East...
Grooved Arete HVD *** 386 ? Pikes Crag
Juniper Buttress S ** 86 ? Pikes Crag
Wall and Crack Climb VD *** 105 ? Pikes Crag
'B' (Great) Gully III ** 15 240m Wasdale Screes
Right-Hand Branch V 4 *** 16 100m • 3 Wasdale Screes
The Mysteron HVS 5b ** 104 ? Buckbarrow, Wasdale
Imagine E1 5b *** 76 ? Buckbarrow, Wasdale
Witch VS 4c *** 254 ? Buckbarrow, Wasdale
Too Many Hands E2 5c ** 36 ? Buckbarrow, Wasdale
The Buckbarrow Needle VS 4c *** 163 ? Buckbarrow, Wasdale
Gagarin VD 59 ? Buckbarrow, Wasdale
Needle Front E1 5b * 40 ? Buckbarrow, Wasdale
Needless Eliminate E1 5b ** 82 ? Buckbarrow, Wasdale
Kern Knotts Crack HVS 4c ** 264 42m • 2 Kern Knotts
Innominate Crack VS 4b *** 505 40m • 2 Kern Knotts
The Buttonhook Route E1 5b *** 224 50m • 3 Kern Knotts
Tophet Wall HS 4b *** 1377 75m • 4 The Napes
The Wasdale Crack HS 4c *** 1240 17m • 2 The Napes
Needle Ridge VD *** 1649 114m • 5 The Napes
Arrowhead Ridge Direct VD *** 317 80m • 4 The Napes
Eagle's Nest Ridge Direct VS 4b *** 346 45m The Napes
Engineer's Slabs VS 4c *** 459 60m • 2 Gable Crag
Thanatos HVS 5b *** 68 ? • 3 Pillar
Electron HVS 5a *** 53 ? Pillar
Walker's Gully MVS 4c *** 7 ? Pillar
North Climb S 4a *** 143 ? Pillar
North-East Climb MS * 15 ? Pillar
North-West Climb VS 4b *** 155 ? Pillar
Megaton E1 5a *** 63 ? Pillar
New West Climb VD *** 455 ? Pillar
Rib and Slab Climb HS 4b *** 339 ? Pillar
Gomorrah VS 4c ** 24 ? Pillar
Vandal HVS 5a ** 42 ? Pillar
The Appian Way HS 4b ** 55 ? Pillar
West Wall Climb HVD ** 54 ? Pillar
Goth E1 5b ** 21 ? Pillar
Delilah VS 4c *** 378 ? High Crag
High Crag Buttress HVS 5a *** 226 ? High Crag
The Philistine E1 5b *** 253 ? High Crag
Samson HVS 5b *** 242 ? High Crag
Eagle Front VS 4c *** 322 150m • 8 Eagle Crag...
Mitre Buttress Direct S ** 340 80m • 5 Grey Crag...
Suaviter S 3c *** 232 ? Grey Crag...
Fortiter VS 4b *** 185 ? Grey Crag...
Oxford and Cambridge Direct Route S 4a *** 877 ? Grey Crag...
Dexter Wall VS 5a *** 361 ? Grey Crag...
Cleopatra HVS 5a ** 251 ? Buckstone How
Honister Wall HS 4b ** 276 ? Buckstone How
Sinister Grooves VS 4c *** 376 ? Buckstone How
Dove Crag Gully V 5 *** 38 165m Dove Crag...
The Niche E2 5c *** 224 60m • 2 Falcon Crag
Dedication E1 5a *** 12 ? Falcon Crag
Fool's Paradise VS 4c *** 500 110m • 5 Gowder Crag
Little Chamonix VD *** 7977 70m • 4 Shepherd’s Crag
The Bludgeon E1 5b *** 852 ? Shepherd’s Crag
Ardus VS 4b *** 2713 40m • 3 Shepherd’s Crag
Adam VS 5a *** 2051 ? Shepherd’s Crag
Eve VS 4c *** 2000 ? Shepherd’s Crag
The Mortician HVS 5b *** 628 ? Black Crag...
Troutdale Pinnacle S *** 3832 105m • 6 Black Crag...
Greatend Corner HVS 5a * 38 ? Great End Crag
Banzai Pipeline E1 5b *** 148 ? • 4 Great End Crag
Praying Mantis E1 5b *** 573 ? • 3 Goat Crag,...
DDT HVS 5a *** 225 ? Goat Crag,...
Bleak How Buttress E2 5c *** 174 ? Upper Langstrath...
The Reiver HVS 5a ** 212 ? Upper Langstrath...
Fancy Free HVS 5a * 49 ? Upper Langstrath...
Brush Off HVS 4c ** 150 ? Upper Langstrath...
Where Eagles Squawk E2 5b *** - ? Eagle Crag...
Falconer's Crack VS 4c ** 49 ? Eagle Crag...
Sergeant's Crag Gully (Winter) III 11 170m • 4 Sergeant Crag
Raven Crag Gully (Winter) IV *** 134 ? Raven Crag, Combe...
Corvus D *** 2425 ? • 5 Raven Crag, Combe...
Central Gully Right Branch II 2 ** 355 200m • 5 Great End
South-East Gully III *** 318 200m Great End
Gillercombe Buttress S 4a *** 1913 ? Gillercombe
Overhanging Bastion HVS 5a *** 1014 ? Castle Rock of...
Zig Zag VS 4c ** 414 ? Castle Rock of...
Thirlmere Eliminate E2 5b *** 305 ? Castle Rock of...
Communist Convert VS 4c ** 153 ? Raven Crag,...
Totalitarian E1 5c *** 332 ? • 4 Raven Crag,...
Inaccessible Gully V 5 *** 28 110m • 3 Dove Crag (Dovedale)
Black Crag Icefall IV 5 *** 36 60m • 2 Black Crag...
Extol E2 5c ** 109 ? Dove Crag (Dovedale)
Dovedale Groove E1 5b ** 62 ? Dove Crag (Dovedale)
Westmorland's Route S * 72 ? Dove Crag (Dovedale)
Grendel VS 4b *** 47 ? Scrubby Crag
Kestrel wall S 4a *** 313 45m • 3 Eagle Crag...
Sobrenada HVS 5a *** 214 ? Eagle Crag...
Dollywagon Gully III ** 194 140m Dollywaggon Pike
Chock Gully V 5 ** 58 135m • 4 Dollywaggon Pike
Truss Buttress VD ** 1027 38m Gouther Crags
Kennel Wall S 4a *** 981 37m • 2 Gouther Crags
The Fang VS 4b *** 794 40m • 2 Gouther Crags
Sostenuto HVS 5a ** 347 ? Gouther Crags
Laugh Not HVS 5b *** 735 ? White Ghyll
Slip Knot VS 4b *** 1707 44m • 2 White Ghyll
White Ghyll Wall VS 4c *** 761 68m White Ghyll
The Gordian Knot VS 4c *** 930 ? White Ghyll
Haste Not VS 4c *** 867 ? White Ghyll
Great Gully D * 43 ? Pavey Ark
Arcturus E1 5b *** 509 ? Pavey Ark
Golden Slipper HVS 5a *** 1104 ? Pavey Ark
Poker Face E1 5b *** 312 ? Pavey Ark
Cook's Tour VD * 190 ? Pavey Ark
Rake End Chimney D ** 107 ? Pavey Ark
Rake End Wall VS 4c *** 624 ? Pavey Ark
The Rib Pitch HVS 5a * 212 ? Pavey Ark
Stoat's Crack HS ** 264 ? Pavey Ark
Astra E2 5c *** 372 ? Pavey Ark
Gimmer Chimney VD *** 694 ? Gimmer Crag
Bracket and Slab Climb S *** 1501 97m • 5 Gimmer Crag
Ash Tree Slabs VD *** 1796 ? Gimmer Crag
Ash Tree Corner VS 4c ** 254 ? Gimmer Crag
Asterisk VS 4b *** 770 ? Gimmer Crag
North West Arete VS 4b *** 1339 ? Gimmer Crag
'A' Route S 4a *** 494 ? Gimmer Crag
'B' Route VS 5a ** 370 ? Gimmer Crag
'C' Route S 4b *** 1065 ? Gimmer Crag
'D' Route S 4a *** 1386 ? Gimmer Crag
Oliverson's Variation and Lyon's Crawl VD *** 205 ? Gimmer Crag
'F' Route VS 4c *** 1162 ? Gimmer Crag
Whit's End Direct E1 5b *** 814 ? Gimmer Crag
Spring Bank E2 5c *** 560 ? Gimmer Crag
Kipling Groove HVS 5a *** 1242 ? Gimmer Crag
The Crack VS 4c *** 1249 60m Gimmer Crag
Gimmer String E1 5b *** 475 ? Gimmer Crag
Mithrandir HVS 5a *** 197 ? Neckband Crag
Gandalf's Groove Direct E2 5b ** 184 ? Neckband Crag
Razor Crack E1 5b *** 344 ? Neckband Crag
Gillette Direct E2 5c *** 236 ? Neckband Crag
Sword of Damocles E1 5b ** 63 ? North...
Bowfell Buttress HS 4b *** 1185 110m • 4 Bowfell
Bower's Route HS 4b * 40 ? Esk Buttress (Dow...
Bridge's Route HS 4b *** 350 ? Esk Buttress (Dow...
Square Chimney/Medusa Wall Combination VS 4c *** 191 ? Esk Buttress (Dow...
Trespasser Groove E1 5a *** 173 ? Esk Buttress (Dow...
Central Pillar E2 5b *** 445 ? • 6 Esk Buttress (Dow...
Great Central Climb VS 5a * 17 ? Esk Buttress (Dow...
The Red Edge E1 5a *** 339 60m • 2 Esk Buttress (Dow...
Gormenghast E1 5b *** 431 53m • 3 Heron Crag, Eskdale
Gordon and Craig's Route S 3c ** 116 ? Dow Crag
Arête, Chimney and Crack (Summer) S 3c *** 690 ? Dow Crag
Eliminate 'A' VS 4c *** 1352 110m • 6 Dow Crag
Isengard HVS 5b ** 263 ? Dow Crag
Samba Pa Ti E2 5b ** 190 ? Dow Crag
Giant's Crawl (Summer) D *** 1114 ? Dow Crag
Nimrod E1 5c *** 437 ? Dow Crag
Catacomb E1 5b *** 207 ? Dow Crag
Murray's Route S 4a *** 1133 ? Dow Crag
Murray's Direct VS 4c *** 680 ? Dow Crag
'C' Ordinary Route (Summer) VD *** 1046 ? Dow Crag
Eliminate 'C' VS 4c ** 179 ? Dow Crag
Intermediate Gully MVS 4b * 33 ? Dow Crag
Great Central Route HVS 5b *** 88 ? Dow Crag
Hopkinson's Crack HS 4b *** 134 ? Dow Crag
54 e, 456 stars 88,029 4,085m 290
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