Dave Musgrove

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Climbed in Yorkshire for 60 years. Trad climbing outcrop background. Joined Rock & Ice age 18 and climbed all over Britain and Europe since then. Very little Big Mountain experience. member BMC local area committee for several years, VP and President from 2000 to 2003. Yorkshire Mountaineering Club guidebook editor from 1990 to 2010. Treasurer of Yorkshire Bolt Fund.


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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 19 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Attermire Scar, Blue Scar, Giggleswick North, Stony Bank (Stoney Bank), Lord's Seat, Crummackdale, Odyssey, Iliada Area, Grande Grotta Area, Hetchell ... plus 9 more

Photo Gallery

Rylstone at its best! The Niche HVS 5b

Rylstone at its best! The Niche HVS 5b
© Dave Musgrove

Getting hotter!

Getting hotter!
© Dave Musgrove

John employing a bit of wizardry to climb Gandalf 6b+.

John employing a bit of wizardry to climb Gandalf 6b+.
© Dave Musgrove

At least someone has got one foot off the ground! 
Bouldering near the Cracoe Memorial at Rylstone

At least someone has got one foot off the ground! Bouldering near the Cracoe Memorial at Rylstone
© Dave Musgrove

50 years on!  Anniversary ascent. Granddad and Grandson.

50 years on! Anniversary ascent. Granddad and Grandson.
© Dave Musgrove

Gypsy Moth - Embsay Classic.

Gypsy Moth - Embsay Classic.
© Dave Musgrove

Sunset over Pendle from Deer Gallows

Sunset over Pendle from Deer Gallows
© Dave Musgrove

John Hunt - Moorland Apparition HVS 5c

John Hunt - Moorland Apparition HVS 5c
© Dave Musgrove

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