New Logbook FeaturesSite Updates

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We've been working on a few exciting features to Logbooks to make it an even better resource for the thousands of climbers that use it. Many of these features are in response to user feedback and suggestions. Please continue to submit ideas for how we can continue to make the Logbooks even better - email, or simply post in the forums.

New Map Search Page

You can now specify much more advanced searches, see more crags at any one time on the bigger map, and see more in-depth detail about each crag in the results table without having to visit the crag page. A big addition is the ability to filter based on the actual routes at a crag. For example, you can now set the criteria to be "only crags with at least 5 multi-pitch routes grades HVS to E1, all with at least 2 stars". Additional filters allow you to limit crags based on type of climbing, rock type, aspect, weather conditions, when the tide is low, or limit to only crags that either you or a partner have visited. The map is now bigger and is more reactive to any search.

Have a look at the new Maps page here.

Similarly, on UK Hillwalking, the hill search has ben improved, with the ability to also filter by the altitude of the hill. The UKH hill map can be found here.

Crag/Climb Videos

You can now 'Upload a Video' by linking to an existing YouTube/Vimeo/Instagram video and mark climbs and/or crags to points within the video. These videos then appear in the 'Videos' tab of the climb/crag. You can also add climbs to videos others have uploaded. Start uploading here.

PS. We added a page to view all the videos for a particular user this afternoon too. Check out rparker, who's been uploading like a champ!

Guidebook Corrections

This new system allows you to submit corrections to guidebooks. This might be where something has changed, or something that was wrong or unclear when a book was published. The system is for all guidebooks as long as they are relatively current and will accept text corrections or annotated photos showing changes or errors. Corrections are shown on the [climb(s) they affect, and on the guidebook's own page.

Corrections can be submitted from various places, or directly here.

Guidebook correction

New Climb Updates

We are introducing a system to allow you to submit visual information for new climbs consisting of a sophisticated topo drawing system. The climbs need to initially be added to Logbooks first and approved then '+Create Update' allows you to add a photo and draw a route line on it. This is exclusively intended for new routes and boulder problems that aren't covered by any other current guide information in print or digital.

Have a look at the tutorial or visit our FAQ page.

Please let us know if you experience problems using these new additions or have any further suggestions.

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10 Dec, 2021

I’ve uploaded some videos. I notice that while YouTube videos offer touch screen controls (pause etc) on my iPad, Vimeo videos on the other hand can’t be stopped once you start, unless you click another video’s thumbnail below. Is this as you’d intended?

No, it should work the same. It does in my browser. We'll check the tablet controls.

10 Dec, 2021

Good work team! This looks incroiable! The search function is cool, but videos for boulder problems and the ability to add topos (rather than just as a photo) really ups the game of the databases in a new way. Cracking stuff.

10 Dec, 2021

Good work, although I have a suggestion for the search

Take the below search for example:

Sport climbs in Cumbria, crags with 4+ routes up to F6a+

When you do the search, the crags brought up below list the total number of routes at the crag. Is it possible for it to display an additional column showing the number of routes in the search criteria? i.e. the number of sport routes up to F6a+ in this case

Yea I had considered adding this. Initially it slowed down the search a bit, but I think it’s probably worth exploring again. Will take a look next week


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