Contributed by Bloke on a Rope Jan/14 - This public hilllist has been seen 2,345 times

All the routes from chapter 11 of Peak Rock, from early to mid 1970's. Proctor and Livesey started to develop 'head pointing' in order to push their grades, while climbers like Pat Littlejohn,Mick Fowler and Stevie Haston continued to push the 'ground up' tradition. Right at the end of this period Alan McHardy did Edge Lane E55c ground up and pointing the way to the future! Also i'm aware Almscliff ain't in the Peak but the routes are so good i had to include them!

Knightsbridge  © Dave Warburton
Franco Cookson, Mar 2010
© Dave Warburton

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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Nick1812P 38% 7 Oct, 2023
2nd Hidden 23% 14 May, 2023
3rd Bloke on a Rope 19% 10 Oct, 2020
4th Climbster 9% 8 Sep, 2019
5th rogerskews 4% 1987
5th NinaR 4% 19 Jul, 2019

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Note: Only showing summits, scrambles, winter routes, and low grade climbs

Distribution of grades - Trad

Top 12 photos of this hilllist


© Nadir khan

A fine line

A fine line
© Alasdair Dickinson

Edge Lane

Edge Lane

Orchrist above pads as the sunsets...

Orchrist above pads as the sunsets...
© Harry Chaplin

Ant Roberts taking 5 Fingers.

Five Finger Exercise
Ant Roberts taking 5 Fingers.
© shickading

Maximum spotting occuring on Archangel!

Maximum spotting occuring on Archangel!
© Charlie Low

Unknown Dave on Cratcliffe's Fern Hill, E2 5b.

Fern Hill
Unknown Dave on Cratcliffe's Fern Hill, E2 5b.
© Simon Richardson

Mike Robertson, Fern Hill (E2), Cratcliffe

Fern Hill
Mike Robertson, Fern Hill (E2), Cratcliffe
© Dr H

Finishing Five Finger

Five Finger Exercise
Finishing Five Finger
© andybirtwistle

Paul Ingham on Archangel, Stanage. 1979.

Paul Ingham on Archangel, Stanage. 1979.
© Tony Marr

Kirsty making Fern hill look easy!

Fern Hill
Kirsty making Fern hill look easy!
© Jessica_G

Deema Mizayen calmly despatching Five Finger Exercise at Cratcliffe Tor

Five Finger Exercise
Deema Mizayen calmly despatching Five Finger Exercise at Cratcliffe Tor
© Ant roberts

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
The Big Greeny E3 5c ** 397 14m Almscliff
Encore E2 5c * 29 10m Almscliff
Rectum Rift E3 6b * 19 10m Almscliff
Orchrist E5 6b * 19 11m Almscliff
Archangel E3 5b *** 411 22m Stanage Plantation
Wuthering E2 5b *** 946 20m Stanage Popular
Flute of Hope E5 6a *** 45 14m Higgar Tor
Linden E6 6b *** 66 23m Curbar Edge
Fern Hill E2 5c *** 674 12m Cratcliffe Tor
Requiem E3 6a *** 118 26m • 2 Cratcliffe Tor
Tom Thumb E2 5c ** 156 18m Cratcliffe Tor
Boot Hill E3 5c *** 310 18m Cratcliffe Tor
Five Finger Exercise E2 5c *** 696 22m Cratcliffe Tor
Reticent Mass Murderer E4 6b *** 26 8m Cratcliffe Tor
Vibrio E1 5b ** 175 15m Chatsworth Edge
Lichen E3 5c *** 30 35m • 3 Chatsworth Edge
Pearls E2 5c ** 194 13m Chatsworth Edge
Death Knell E4 5c *** 86 14m Roaches Lower Tier
Ruby Tuesday E2 5b ** 116 30m • 2 Roaches Upper Tier
Knightsbridge E2 5c *** 737 34m Millstone Edge
Edge Lane E5 5c *** 167 18m Millstone Edge
64 e, 52 stars 5,417 387m 25
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