Bmc Series

New Weather Service for Snowdon

Live weather conditions are now being provided online for Snowdon. A simple weather station feeds 24-hour info including wind speed and direction, humidity levels and temperature, direct from the summit.

With over half a million walkers each year, Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) is by far the busiest mountain in the UK. One of the downsides of that popularity is an increasing number of avoidable call outs to mountain rescue teams, often initiated by ill-prepared or inexperienced walkers who have underestimated the impact of the weather at height.

The Snowdon Live project has been funded by the BMC's Access and Conservation Trust, working in partnership with Snowdonia National Park Authority, Natural Resources Wales and the AdventureSmart project.

It is hoped that the weather station will remain active all winter (dependent on solar power and battery life), but it's likely that the wind monitor will eventually seize up in a winter freeze, say the BMC.

As well as being a service to walkers, the info should be useful to climbers heading to the high crags. However it's worth noting that the 'feels like' temperature provided up-front on the page is more nebulous and less useful to experienced walkers than the ambient temperature (which is only available with a bit of digging).

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