Environmental Event to Put 600 People on 100+ Lakeland fells

© Another Way

On Saturday 31st August a mass Wainwright record attempt will see around 600 people climbing 107 fells in the Lake District. But it's about more than just a lot of folk walking up hills. Each fell will host a unique event, from five-a-side football on High Street to a Brass band on Lattrigg, via Yoga on Dodd and a Blencathra summit pub quiz. Another Waynwright Day marks the launch of Cumbria-based environmental charity, Another Way. And there's still time to get involved.

There'll be a choir on Haystacks  © Another Way
There'll be a choir on Haystacks
© Another Way

Set up by Lake District resident Amy Bray, 17, Another Way seeks to educate and encourage people to live more sustainably, campaigning on issues such as plastic use and climate change.

"I believe that individually and in communities we can move to a much more sustainable way of life that avoids the waste and pollution that is damaging our planet" Amy told us.

Over 40 organisations including Friends of The Lake District, the Lake District National Park, RSPB, Fix the Fells and The Tree Council are taking part in or supporting the event on Sunday. So too are hundreds of ordinary people.

Amy has also gained the endorsement of well-known figures such as Sir Chris Bonington and Chris Packham. And on the day, Tim Farron MP will be on Loughrigg chatting about the environment.

"I never expected that the day would have such an impact on our community and unite so many people" says Amy.

"From a vague idea of breaking a record, the event has flourished into a project which has brought together individuals, communities and organisations who all care for our environment but work separately and in different ways, in a day of adventure, fun and commitment to finding 'another way' to live."

Around 70 activities are happening as part of Another Waynwright Day, run by both organisations and individuals.

No dramas... meet the llamas on Fleetwith Pike  © Another Way
No dramas... meet the llamas on Fleetwith Pike
© Another Way

"From Llama trekking, to a choir, to Friends of The Lakes celebrating its 85th birthday with a hill-top pub quiz - the activities seemed to be something people really picked up on and were keen to do and this has helped make the day unique and colourful" says Amy.

"Everyone has a skill or a passion to share and the event is giving people the opportunity to do this along with hundreds of others, with a central connection of conservation. The public seem really excited about the variety of activities happening, not just at the summits but on the ground too."

"Of course, getting 600 people to commit to climbing mountains was far from easy and since our launch in January our team of trustees and volunteers have been working tirelessly - emailing, speaking, organising. We have come from a charity plan to an organisation supported by charities from all across Cumbria and beyond in seven months - but of course this is only the start!"

"Another Waynwright Day has already far outreached its aim of raising awareness of Another Way and our work. After the event we hope that participants, and people who have heard about us, will volunteer to help the charity continue its work in communities; giving awareness sessions, talks and advice; establishing more of our zero-waste shop in Penrith, Another Weigh; making connections to the scientific community; uniting other organisations and giving them a connecting platform and much more."

"We also have 1700 trees to plant in Matterdale from 23rd November to 1st December for anyone who fancies some hands-on conservation."

"Another Way began as a result of my gradually increasing awareness of the harm our everyday actions are causing our planet" says Amy.

17 year old Amy Bray is the driving force behind the whole thing  © Another Way
17 year old Amy Bray is the driving force behind the whole thing
© Another Way

"I have always loved nature and wanted to be a marine biologist and so when I discovered all the problems our world and oceans are facing I was heartbroken by the thought that the things I wanted to study would no longer be there.

"I started by emailing companies and writing petitions but that wasn't enough. I changed my own life and that of my family to be more sustainable and then I wanted to help other people do the same. I began an awareness campaign called Devotion to Ocean in my school, which developed into Another Way. I realised that many people are petitioning the government and corporations to change, but often people forget about their own actions and the power they have to change."

To take part in Another Waynwright Day, you can either find an untaken Lakeland fell to claim for the day, or choose an existing activity to join in.

"On the summits, ambassadors will be asking the public to sign planet pledges on an upcycled Another Way bandana, which will then be created into a display for after the event to symbolise the powerful effect of changing our lives, together" says Amy.

For more info see another-way.org.uk

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29 Aug, 2019

So a normal August Saturday in the Lake District then...

It if's an Environmental Event will the 600+ people be leaving their cars at home, or will the car parks near those 100+ fells be unusually busy?

And will those 600+ people be taking only photographs and leaving only very slight footprints?

From their website:

In conjunction with Mike Berners-Lee we have produced a guide to keeping the day as low carbon as possible through travel, food and clothing. This guide will be sent to all participants on signing up to the event. In addition Another Way are planting 1700 trees in Matterdale in the Autumn in partnership with the Tree Council to offset the carbon footprint from the event.


It goes without saying that we would like all participants to follow the countryside code. Additionally we ask all Ambassadors and Supporters to follow main paths and to pick up any litter that they see during the day. Let's leave the fells in a better state than when we started.

I'm not involved in the event aside form reporting it here, but I'm not convinced its environmental footprint is a big worry. Sure, it'd be more 'sustainable' if all 600+ people stayed at home, but then it wouldn't be getting much of a message out...

29 Aug, 2019

Why not just plant the trees anyway?

29 Aug, 2019

Sounds like a good day to go to Wales.

I'm not the person to ask. But if I were, I'd probably say something along the lines of my last line above

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