Contributed by kez1 Mar/17 - This public hilllist has been seen 7,475 times

This is a selection of classic big routes, I have covered classic areas such as Wales, Scotland and the south coast for warming up. The dolomites and Chamonix areas for taking your new found skills to bigger, more serious environments. There are other classic routes in the Alps ranging in difficulty from easy snow plods to serious North Faces. There are some of the big walls of North America, ranging from easier 1 day routes to desperate routes requiring weeks to be spent on the wall. The climbing is a mixture of sport and trad, ice and mixed, free and aid. There are also via ferratas and scrambles. Getting to the top and back down again safely is paramount on most of the bigger routes on this list so ethics take a back seat, that is not to say go drilling bolts every metre but a few moves of french free would not be frowned upon.

The classic Dômes de Miage shot  © James FR
The classic Dômes de Miage shot
© James FR, Aug 2014

80 users are subscribed to this hilllist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Hidden 22% 24 Feb
2nd steve_gibbs 19% 1 Jun, 2023
3rd JoeCoxson 19% 4 Nov, 2023
4th QuentinSu 17% 23 Jul
5th Chris Pearson 17% 8 Aug, 2010
6th Hidden 15% 7 Oct, 2019
6th Hidden 15% 15 May, 2022
7th farmus21 12% 19 Sep, 2020
8th olekemi 11% 3 Jun, 2023
9th Trevers 10% 8 Mar

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Note: Only showing summits, scrambles, winter routes, and low grade climbs

Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this hilllist

Following roof pitch, Salathe Wall

Salathe Wall
Following roof pitch, Salathe Wall
© duncan

Under the Point

Point Five Gully
Under the Point
© Al Todd

Copying Alex

Regular Northwest Face
Copying Alex
© markalmack

1000m of air on the top icefield, Colton-MacIntyre

1000m of air on the top icefield, Colton-MacIntyre
© gav p

Via Myriam at Cinque Torri

Via Myriam at Cinque Torri
© James Rushforth

A Popular mixed route up Aiguille du Midi

Arete des Cosmiques
A Popular mixed route up Aiguille du Midi
© Ron Walker

Andrew Sandercock looking up for the belay of pitch 7 on the Nose, as the weather worsens on El Cap.

The Nose
Andrew Sandercock looking up for the belay of pitch 7 on the Nose, as the weather worsens on El Cap.
© Alex Buisse

Tower Gap Belay

Tower Ridge
Tower Gap Belay
© Paluchi

Hulya Vassail on the unprotected final arête of Pointe Ségogne, shortly before the bivy site.

Grands Montets Ridge
Hulya Vassail on the unprotected final arête of Pointe Ségogne, shortly before the bivy site.
© Alex Buisse

Rescue from the Trinity Face

Central Trinity
Rescue from the Trinity Face
© Sean Kelly

Aonach Eagach looking and feeling distinctly alpine!

Aonach Eagach Ridge (Winter)
Aonach Eagach looking and feeling distinctly alpine!
© Gabe Oliver

All alone on the Nose of The Captain

The Nose
All alone on the Nose of The Captain
© ChrisJD

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Snakes and Ladders Approach (Old) HVS 1156 ? California
Snakes and Ladders (and chains) VF1A *** 396 ? • 10 Dali's Hole
Supermassive Black Hole 7a *** 215 75m • 4 Twll Mawr
Avalanche VD *** 171 162m • 6 Y Lliwedd
Red Wall and Longland's Continuation VD *** 227 137m • 7 Y Lliwedd
Grooved Arête HVD 4a *** 4472 230m • 8 Tryfan
Pinnacle Rib Route (a.k.a. Second Pinnacle Rib) VD *** 2225 164m • 6 Tryfan
The Parson's Nose D ** 674 75m Clogwyn y Ddysgl
Cneifion Arete D *** 3902 140m Cwm Cneifion
Amphitheatre Buttress VD *** 1951 ? Craig Yr Ysfa
Crib Goch - Crib Y Ddysgl Traverse (Summer) Grade-1 ** 1078 ? Crib Goch
Crib Goch - Crib Y Ddysgl Traverse (Winter) I *** 352 850m Crib Goch
Central Trinity II 2 *** 574 ? Clogwyn y Garnedd
South Gully IV 4 *** 243 140m • 4 Devils Kitchen (Cwm...
Bosigran Ridge a.k.a Commando Ridge VD *** 3600 161m • 8 Bosigran Ridge Area
Skeleton Ridge HVS 4c *** 73 160m • 6 The Needles
Clach Glas - Blabheinn Traverse (Summer) D *** 645 ? Bla Bheinn
Pinnacle Ridge (Summer) D *** 864 ? Sgurr nan Gillean
Dawn Grooves (Summer) HVS 4c *** 5 175m • 7 Sgurr Mhic Choinnich
King Cobra E1 5b *** 41 210m • 7 Sgurr Mhic Choinnich
Ardverikie Wall HS 4b *** 1574 185m • 6 Binnein Shuas
South Ridge Direct VS 5a *** 804 395m • 13 Cir Mhor
East Face Route (Original Route) E1 5b 839 130m • 5 (Old Man of) Hoy
The Needle E1 5b *** 596 260m Shelterstone Crag
Steeple E2 5c *** 297 250m Shelterstone Crag
The Long Climb VS ** 126 420m • 11 Ben Nevis
Centurion HVS 5a *** 609 190m • 7 Ben Nevis
The Bat E2 5b *** 154 270m • 9 Ben Nevis
Titan's Wall E3 5c *** 107 ? Ben Nevis
Cioch Nose VD *** 413 40m • 2 Sron na Ciche
Aonach Eagach Ridge (Summer) Grade-2 *** 1877 ? Aonach Eagach -...
Aonach Eagach Ridge (Winter) II *** 1552 ? Aonach Eagach -...
Tower Ridge D *** 2427 600m Ben Nevis
Tower Ridge IV 3 *** 2026 800m Ben Nevis
Cuillin Ridge Traverse (Summer) VD *** 1384 ? Cuillin Ridge...
Cuillin Ridge Traverse (Winter) IV *** 86 ? Cuillin Ridge...
Zero Gully V 4 *** 307 300m Ben Nevis
Point Five Gully V 5 *** 948 ? Ben Nevis
Masare (VF) VF2B *** 79 ? Roda di Vaèl
Steger VI- *** 44 730m • 18 Cima Catinaccio...
Steger V+ *** 34 410m • 11 Punta Emma
Piaz Crack V *** 15 290m • 7 Punta Emma
Piaz Arete/Delagokante IV+ *** 266 160m • 4 Vajolet Towers
Sentiero Massimiliano VF2B *** 32 ? Val Duron
Marmolada West Ridge to Punta Penia (VF) VF4C *** 131 ? Marmolada
Vinatzer - Castiglioni VI+ *** 34 800m • 30 Marmolada
Messner Direct VI+ *** 16 540m • 13 Marmolada
Don Quixote VI+ *** 67 750m • 22 Marmolada
Schwalbenschwanz/Swallow's Tail VI *** 3 900m • 25 Marmolada
Via Delle Trincee/La Mesola VF4B *** 341 500m La Mesola
Fedele IV+ *** 54 800m • 27 Sass Pordoi
Delle Mèsules/Possnecker (VF) VF4C *** 101 800m Sella Towers
Sandro Pertini VF4B *** 68 ? Vallunga Valley
Brigata Tridentina (VF) VF3B *** 501 750m Torre Exner
Adang/Old South Face V *** 68 500m • 12 Sas Ciampac
Piz da Lech (VF) VF3B *** 236 350m Vallon
Messner V *** 29 270m • 6 Sasso delle Nove...
Tomaselli (VF) VF5C *** 100 1,000m Punta di Mezzo di...
Via del Drago V+ *** 21 355m • 12 Lagazuoi Nord
South Arête IV+ *** 476 150m • 6 Sass de Stria...
Comici - South Arete V- *** 312 200m • 6 Falzarego Towers
Giovanni Lipella Via Ferrata VF4C *** 203 1,250m Tofana di Rozes
Punta Anna (VF) VF5C *** 217 ? Tofana di Mezzo
Myriam V+ *** 274 ? Cinque Torri
Alverà IV+ *** 96 150m • 7 Averau
Ivano Dibona VF2B *** 96 ? Cristallo Group
Marino Bianchi VF2B ** 69 ? Cristallo Group
Francesco Berti VF3C *** 45 ? Sorapiss Group
Sentiero Carlo Minazio VF1C * 37 ? Sorapiss Group
Alfonso Vandelli VF3B *** 47 ? Sorapiss Group
South Face via East Face Of Torre Leo VI- *** 35 130m • 6 Il Gobbo, Torre del...
Cassin VII- *** 74 250m • 11 Tre Cime
Hasse-Brandler VIII+ *** 57 ? Tre Cime
Comici-Dimai VII+ *** 173 550m • 18 Tre Cime
Cassin VIII *** 12 450m • 12 Tre Cime
Forbes Arête AD 3 *** 293 ? Aiguille du...
Migot Spur D- 3 *** 169 500m Aiguille du...
Swiss Route TD- 4 *** 75 800m Les Courtes
Grands Montets Ridge D+ *** 35 ? L'Aiguille...
South Ridge Integral D+ 5c *** 50 600m Aiguille de Moine
Whymper Couloir AD+ 2 *** 57 700m L'Aiguille...
Les Courtes Traverse AD 2 *** 31 550m Les Courtes
Walker Spur ED1 6a *** 71 1,200m Grandes Jorasses
Colton-MacIntyre ED2 6 *** 14 ? Grandes Jorasses
Croz Spur ED1 *** 14 1,000m Grandes Jorasses
Grandes Jorasses Traverse D 5a *** 41 ? • 2 Grandes Jorasses
Southeast Ridge TD+ 6b *** 3 ? Envers des Aiguilles
Le marchand de sable TD+ 6a+ *** 149 ? Envers des Aiguilles
Le soleil a rendez-vous avec la lune TD+ 6b *** 53 800m • 25 Envers des Aiguilles
Mer de Glace Face D+ 5c *** 69 ? Envers des Aiguilles
Voie Normale (République) D+ 5c *** 102 ? Envers des Aiguilles
Cordier Pillar TD+ 6b *** 162 750m • 25 Charmoz Grepon
Charmoz-Grépon Traverse D+ 6b *** 27 ? Charmoz Grepon
Papillons Arête D+ 5c *** 840 ? • 12 Aiguille du Peigne
Frendo Spur D+ 4 *** 405 1,200m Aiguille du Midi
Mallory-Porter AD+ 3 ** 73 1,000m Aiguille du Midi
Arete des Cosmiques AD 3 *** 3471 350m Aiguille du Midi
Cosmiques Icefall TD+ 5 ** 42 200m • 4 Aiguille du Midi
Rebuffat-Pierre TD- 6a+ *** 498 120m • 4 Aiguille du Midi
Rébuffat-Baquet TD+ 6a *** 632 250m • 10 Aiguille du Midi
Midi-Plan Traverse AD *** 558 ? Aiguille du Plan
Southwest Face AD+ 4c *** 514 ? Dent du Geant
The Rochefort Ridge AD 2 *** 201 ? Aiguille de...
North Face D 3 *** 272 350m Tour Ronde
Rebuffat Gully TD 5 ** 37 350m Tour Ronde
Kuffner Ridge D 4c *** 231 700m Mont Maudit
Brenva Spur (Gussfeldt Start) D- 3 ** 34 800m Mont Blanc
Arête du Diable Traverse D+ 5c *** 80 600m Mont Blanc du Tacul
East Ridge AD+ 5a *** 285 246m • 8 Mont Blanc du Tacul
Supercouloir ED1 6 *** 45 800m Mont Blanc du Tacul
Gervasutti Pillar TD 6a *** 79 850m Mont Blanc du Tacul
Chèré Couloir D 4 *** 740 350m Mont Blanc du Tacul
Goûter Route PD *** 698 ? Mont Blanc
Royal Traverse AD+ 2 *** 40 ? Mont Blanc
Central Pillar of Freney ED1 5c *** 20 ? Mont Blanc
Aiguille Noire de Peutérey TD+ 4 *** 48 1,100m • 42 Mont Blanc
Peutérey Integral ED1 4 *** 22 ? Mont Blanc
Dômes de Miage Traverse PD+ *** 148 3,700m Domes des Miages
Clocher-Clochetons Traverse AD 5a *** 564 ? Aiguilles Rouges
Traversée des Crochues PD+ 4a *** 890 ? Aiguilles Rouges
Northeast (Hornli) Ridge AD *** 368 1,220m Matterhorn
Northeast (Mittellegi) Ridge D *** 130 ? Eiger
The 1938 Route ED2 *** 60 ? Eiger
John Harlin Route ED4 - ? Eiger
Great White Book 5.6 *** 53 ? Stately Pleasure...
South Crack 5.8 *** 70 ? Stately Pleasure...
West Crack 5.9 *** 113 ? Daff Dome
Cathedral Peak Southeast Buttress A B and C 5.6 *** 219 210m • 5 Cathedral Peak
West Pillar (Direct) 5.10b *** 10 ? • 6 Eichorn Pinnacle
Traverse from North to South 5.7 *** 2 ? Matthes Crest
Regular route 5.9 *** 157 ? Fairview Dome
Hobbit Book 5.7 ** 19 160m • 4 Mariuolumne Dome
West Ridge 5.6 *** 9 450m • 3 Mount Conness
Regular Route 5.10b *** 31 ? Third Pillar of Dana
Moonlight Buttress (Aid) C1 *** 7 ? • 10 Zion National Park
El Matador 5.10d *** 21 ? Devils Tower
Lost Arrow Spire Direct A2 ** 9 ? Lost Arrow Spire
Steck / Salathe 5.10b *** 25 460m • 16 Sentinel Rock
South Face 5.9 4 ? Mount Watkins
West Face (Leaning Tower) A2 3 213m Great Stone Face...
Regular Northwest Face 5.9 *** 116 600m • 23 Half Dome
Northwest Face Direct A3 ** 3 650m • 23 Half Dome
Freerider 5.12d 14 ? El Capitan
Salathe Wall 5.13c *** 53 1,000m • 35 El Capitan
Triple Direct 5.13d 9 ? El Capitan
The Nose C2 *** 218 ? • 31 El Capitan
The Shield C4 9 ? El Capitan
Muir Wall C4 6 ? El Capitan
Wall of Early Morning Light A3 1 ? El Capitan
Zodiac A3 *** 41 ? El Capitan
Reticent Wall A4+ *** 3 ? • 21 El Capitan
10 e, 410 stars 58,118 44,383m 782
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