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Wrong place, wrong time. A bedraggled climber belaying on top of Valkyrie

Wrong place, wrong time. A bedraggled climber belaying on top of Valkyrie
© Trevers

On top of Nordenskiöldfjellet to see the first rays of sun after the winter

On top of Nordenskiöldfjellet to see the first rays of sun after the winter
© Trevers

Evening light on Hen Cloud

Evening light on Hen Cloud
© Trevers

The view across the fjord on the way up to Trollsteinen

The view across the fjord on the way up to Trollsteinen
© Trevers

View towards the Mamores from the CMD Arete

View towards the Mamores from the CMD Arete
© Trevers

The crevasse field crossing of the Vallee Blanche

The crevasse field crossing of the Vallee Blanche
© Trevers

Chasing the light - on the way up Nordenskiöldfjellet to catch the first sunlight

Chasing the light - on the way up Nordenskiöldfjellet to catch the first sunlight
© Trevers

Ptarmigans and Stacan Dubha

Ptarmigans and Stacan Dubha
© Trevers

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