Meall na Teanga & Sron a' Choire Ghairbh - The Loch Lochy Munros Walking

A compact group of hills rising boldly from the north shore of Loch Lochy, these two Munros present their spectacular side to the A82. They prove less formidable than they look, via the standard route from Laggan, an up-and-back-the-same-way option so well-travelled as to have descended into cliche. But while more imaginative approaches are possible the path most-trodden is clearly the easiest. More than this, though, it's a pleasant day out with some tremendous elevated perspectives on the Great Glen. We don't always have to be different.

Loch Lochy and an inversion over Loch Ness, from Meall na Teanga  © Dan Bailey -
Loch Lochy and an inversion over Loch Ness, from Meall na Teanga
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NN2774195820 At the time of writing (and presumably for several years to come) work here is ongoing in preparation for the massive Coire Glas pumped storage scheme. It's not the most scenic of starts. Cross the bridge over Kilfinnan Burn, and follow the track past the farm, a mobile phone tower, and some chalets, watching out for site vehicles as you go. At a junction by the construction office take the right fork, climbing steadily into Kilfinnan Wood. Stay with the forestry track - also the current redirected route of the Great Glen Way - for about 2km.

NN2513193626 A signpost marks the start of the hill path. Turning right, it's a steady climb through dense pines, before the woods open out into the narrow glen of the Cam Bhealach. The path - quite a good one in the main - leads all the way up to the steep-sided bealach at the head of the glen. This is the jumping off point for the out-and-back ascents of both hills, and in fair weather it may be tempting to stash packs here.

NN2227993692 You can go either way, so let's say for the sake of argument it's Meall na Teanga first. Turn left, and climb the steep, eroded path southwards. Skirt below Meall Dubh - muddy in places - to the saddle beyond. From here the path climbs quite steeply onto Meall na Teanga. The high point is at the south end of the summit ridge, a fantastic viewpoint hanging over the Great Glen.

NN2202592464 Return to the central bealach, then take the zigzagging stalker's path up the grassy southern flank of Sron a' Choire Ghairbh. It's a bit of a plod. This slightly higher Munro doesn't quite match the views of its neighbour, but there is an impressive outlook over Coire Glas, where hydro scheme construction traffic may be distantly visible. Between the dam-to-be and half a horizon of wind turbines, there's a bit of an energy theme on this hill.
Cuaich and Cluanie hills from Sron a' Choire Ghairbh  © Dan Bailey -
Cuaich and Cluanie hills from Sron a' Choire Ghairbh
© Dan Bailey -

NN2224394559 The keen might continue the day with a long leg over to Ben Tee, but for most it's back to the bealach for a third time, before retracing your steps down to the woods and the easy stride out to Laggan.

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Further Routes

by Dan Bailey UKH

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