Carn na Coinnich Walking

The high point - but only just - of a series of knobbly little tops scattered along the south side of Strathconon, Carn na Coinnich offers a short and largely easy ascent, and wide-ranging views of the larger hills that surround it at a distance. It's a good half-day convenient for a tight schedule or a brief lull in the weather.

Strathconon and the village of Milton from the track up Carn na Coinnich  © Dan Bailey -
Strathconon and the village of Milton from the track up Carn na Coinnich
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NH3226454873 Follow the track west for about 1.5km, passing a pine plantation to reach the cottage just before the Mains of Dalbreac.

NH3102054861 Turn left onto a track running diagonally uphill, then along the west edge of the woods, with some nice old scots pines. Continuing south across open ground, the path zigzags up to a junction.

NH3130354221 Keep left on the track making a rising traverse east-southeast. Cross a couple of small streams to reach a larger burn, the Allt Bail' an Uillt Shios. Boulder hop over this, and stay with the track to make a long steady ascent south-southeast onto a broad bealach between the various little peaks. Carn na Coinnich can now be seen ahead, marked with a trig point.
Sgurr a' Mhuilinn from Carn na Coinnich  © Dan Bailey -
Sgurr a' Mhuilinn from Carn na Coinnich
© Dan Bailey -

NH3251051854 Leave the track to cross boggy ground, climbing onto the broad north ridge of the hill. This leads easily to the top. Graham-baggers will have noted that Carn na Coinnich earns you one tick off the list; for the rest of us, it's just a good wee hill that's well worth climbing for its own sake.
The Strathfarrar hills from Carn na Coinnich  © Dan Bailey -
The Strathfarrar hills from Carn na Coinnich
© Dan Bailey -

NH3245651051 From here it's possible to make a circuit via Loch Gruamach, Loch an Daimh Ghlais and Meall Doire Fheara; but for the easiest return (and this is, after all, a quickie) go back down the way you came up.

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