Sgurr Dubh and Sgorr nan Lochan Uaine Walking

In an area famous for some of the most impressive peaks in Scotland these two Corbetts do not exactly jump out; but what they lack in attention-grabbing grandeur they more than make up for in views of their Torridon neighbours. Occupying the northeastern section of the rugged Coulin Forest, Sgurr Dubh and Sgorr nan Lochan Uaine are remarkably rough hills, with expanses of bare rock and absorbingly complex terrain that makes for a challenging but highly rewarding circuit. If you like your hills a bit raw and untamed around the edges then this might even be one of the best of all the Corbett rounds; it certainly packs a lot into its 13km.

Liathach and Glen Torridon from Sgurr Dubh  © Dan Bailey -
Liathach and Glen Torridon from Sgurr Dubh
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NG9576456847 From the car park cross the road bridge then go right on a footpath leading to a footbridge. Pass around a knoll and beside Lochan an Iasgair to the Ling Hut (private). The path now heads towards the extensive area of rounded drumlins behind the hut, a famous example of post-glacial moraines. Continue to a ruin.
Liathach from Lochan na Iasgair  © Dan Bailey -
Liathach from Lochan na Iasgair
© Dan Bailey -

NG9568956187 Leave the made trail behind and strike out east-southeast, climbing the rough, heathery hillside and aiming to keep towards the left side of the moraines. With only a vague and intermittent trace of footfall, it's very much pick-your-own line, trending uphill and weaving around a series of rubbly quartzite outcrops - some limited scope for scrambling if you go looking. Once established on the broad, rocky west spur of Sgurr Dubh, follow the lay of the land uphill, aiming first for a craggy sandstone fore-peak (with a cracking view down over Glen Torridon) before trending west-southwest up quartzite scree to the summit wind shelter on top of Sgurr Dubh.

NG9790355798 Route finding now begins to get more challenging. Bear southwest, descending rubbly ground towards an apparent skyline ridge with some prominent sandstone slabs. Go south down a vague depression forming the side of the ridge to a lochan on a shoulder. Just west of the lochan, a gully leads down between crags to a larger lochan in a hollow.

NG9748855375 Turning south, pass around the right side of a craggy mini summit, then continue on a long gradual descent into the col between the two Corbetts. On a nice day the jumble of crags, knolls, hollows and tiny lochans is a joy, but in poor visibility has the potential to be very confusing. On the ascent out of the col follow a series of bare sandstone ribs, then a tiny burn. Pass a scattering of high lochans, then take a grassy scoop south towards the summit scree cone of Sgorr nan Lochan Uaine. The final steep slope is best climbed on the northwest side, where an eroded trail will be met.
Sgurr Dubh and Beinn Eighe from Sgorr nan Lochan Uaine   © Dan Bailey -
Sgurr Dubh and Beinn Eighe from Sgorr nan Lochan Uaine
© Dan Bailey -

NG9691153140 Initially descend the way you came, then trend more west to follow a vague spur (on a sunny day, with time to spare, a detour to Lochan Uaine is recommended). Trend south to cross a burn above where it flows into a little gorge, then descend rough and fairly boggy ground to meet a well-made stalker's path.

NG9518253537 Offering a quick and easy finish relative to the rough stuff on the hills, the path leads north, soon weaving through the drumlin field to reach the Ling Hut. Return to the road the way you came.

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by Dan Bailey UKH

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