Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 1344m a.s.l
Faces N

Centurion © Guy Robertson

Summit of this hill

This summit is listed in Munros, Marilyns, Old County Tops, Scotland's 4000ers, El-mo, Trail 100, Funros, Britain's Major Mountains, UK 3000ers, Scottish County Tops, TGO Finest 40, Dave MacLeod: The 24/8, Munro list Peter and Binny Ridgway, UK national park high points (>400m) hill lists.

This summit has been climbed in 2,683 logbooks.

Hill features

Fitting of the highest mountain in Britain, Ben Nevis contains some of the finest mountaineering in the land. Unique winter climbing sought out by mountaineers from all over the world. Fine rock climbs of alpine proportions. It's got it all, just maybe not perfectly predictable weather.

For winter climbing, often at it's best in February and March once the snow has undergone some freeze thaw and the buttresses are generaly nicely rimed. More recently the mixed climbs have gained classic status and come into condition very much earlier. The season is long and the easy gullies often remain complete well into late May.

Approach notes

For accessing the North face there is now a very good path direct to the CIC hut. This is total luxury compared to what went before and has consigned some of the previous horrendously boggy approaches to the annals of history.

If approaching by road, turn off the A82 at Torlundy and head for the signed 'North Face Car Park'. An excellent path rises through conniferous plantation up to the deer fence. Cross this by a mighty style and follow the good path, rising very gently uphill, keeping the Allt a'Mhuilinn river to your right. A final rise lands one at the CIC hut which is a popular spot to take in the fine view of the ampitheatre of cliffs. This all assumes that it isn't sheeting it down with rain.

Heard quite a lot of rock fall. Maybe point five or tower gully. Couldn’t really tell in the mist. Might just be some scree falling a bit further down.
TWaterhouse - 02/Jun/23
Put some fresh 6mm ab tat at top of Douglas Boulder 18/11/2014 and a screwgate. Leave in place as the old stuff is pretty beaten up, could do with a lot of it being cut out and taken down!
Nathan Adam - 28/Nov/14
The abseil post at the top of Coire Leis has been replaced by a cairn. Construction of the cairn to replace the No. 4 gully post (already gone,) is underway. Once finished it should be a 6 foot high, columnar cairn with triangular capstone.
jonnie3430 - 24/Sep/12
Perhaps the best mountain routes in the UK ?
Ben Tye - 16/Jul/04
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