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I am planning on some North Wales sport routes and see that clip sticks are now readily available. Any suggestions for good 'uns and has anyone got one for sale?

 midgen 27 Mar 2024
In reply to Lloyd Entwistle:

Pongoose is the way to go.

 Iamgregp 27 Mar 2024
In reply to Lloyd Entwistle:

Having had one of the original design Beta sticks which broke, I must say the new design is much improved.  Collapses down much smaller, doesn't slip when being used any more and feel much more sturdy and robust.

Pongoose do look good though!

Post edited at 12:25
 Fraser 27 Mar 2024
In reply to midgen:

> Pongoose is the way to go.

From my experience it depends on what type of draws you use with them, they don't seem great with older ones or wire-gated crabs. I do like the articulated head on them though and the overall engineering is very good. 

 Fraser 27 Mar 2024
In reply to Lloyd Entwistle:

Has anyone tried Decathlon's own brand clip stick? They look nice and compact but the head looks a bit vulnerable. 

In reply to midgen:

Cheers. I have seen a review and they look good and solid.

 Dave Baker SP5 27 Mar 2024
In reply to Lloyd Entwistle:

Superclip + painters pole.

Or in my case, superclip plus old mop handle with the right threaded end, and a hunk of curtail dowel to extend it.

 Mick Ward 27 Mar 2024
In reply to Lloyd Entwistle:


More importantly than make, though. If you're not used to them and end up clipsticking several bolts in succession, excellent communication with your belayer is essential.


 markrob 30 Mar 2024
In reply to Lloyd Entwistle:

I tried the decathlon one as the poles looked sturdier. Was really disappointed as it broke by the third route. The poles all collapsed and hit the base of the clip stick so fast they popped the bottom end off and all the poles came out of the other side. Probably a health and safety issue. I returned it to Decathlon and got a refund. They said they were going to do a recall based on that as the poles could have hit the belayer. Also found the head to be a bit bulky which made clipping things that were easy with a pongoose difficult with the decathlon one, like a small bulge next to the bolt for example. Bought a Pongoose 700 travel edition and it seems great as you would expect. 

 JLS 30 Mar 2024
In reply to Dave Baker SP5:

Is the Metolius Superclip thread compatible with “standard” painters poles found in the U.K. DIY shops?

 ZacMoss 01 Apr 2024
In reply to Lloyd Entwistle:

Beta stick! I've tried a few different kinds and I'm yet to see someone make a clipstick that improves on their design. Mine lasted three years and several major months-long sport climbing trips before I replaced it with a new one. I still have the old one, one pole extender doesn't work but other than that it's perfectly fine. I have abused it a lot though.

 Dave Baker SP5 01 Apr 2024
In reply to JLS:

I bought my superclip in the US but it fits my mop end over here just fine.

 BruceM 01 Apr 2024
In reply to JLS:

> Is the Metolius Superclip thread compatible with “standard” painters poles found in the U.K. DIY shops?

I bought a painting pole from B&Q and had to shave off the plastic tapered end attachment on the pole to fit the supeclip. Also wrapped some self-almalgamating tape around the shaved tapered end for a solid fit. Snug as now and for the last 4 or so years.

So I guess the thing is, you can easily make it fit if it doesn't initially. Great solid clipstick.

In reply to Lloyd Entwistle:

I have now bought a Pongoose and it is wonderful. Great bit of manufacture and great customer service.

 sheppy 30 Apr 2024
In reply to Lloyd Entwistle:

Wise choice, bombproof build quality and the clever head lets you clip bolts hidden by slight bulges more easily than the in-line variety. Also you never hear the "click of doom" when the gate on the krab closes before its in the hanger....!

 acrkirby 01 May 2024
In reply to ZacMoss:

Pongoose is an all round improvement on the beta stick. A clip stick should be lasting you a lot longer than 3 years.

Dont believe me, have a race against a pongoose to put up a draw, clip the rope, and then take the draw off the bolt. The pongoose user will be finished and packed up before the beta stick user gets the draw off the bolt

 johncook 01 May 2024
In reply to Lloyd Entwistle:

Beta stick. Great gear and brilliant customer service if ever you need It, which is rarely, and usually not a product fault!

 Misha 01 May 2024
In reply to Lloyd Entwistle:

Another vote for Pongoose (saw you said you got one). Only downsides are it’s shorter than the longest beta sticks and more expensive. Also for clipping up a route, the shortest beta stick is more convenient but the Pongoose is feasible, even the longer one. For clipping off the ground, I’d certainly get the longer Pongoose.

 spidermonkey09 02 May 2024
In reply to acrkirby:

Except how common is it in reality to need to take the draw off the bolt? 

 Alkis 02 May 2024
In reply to spidermonkey09:

Not as common as clipping but certainly not uncommon.

 spidermonkey09 02 May 2024
In reply to Alkis:

Fair enough. I'd call it uncommon. I can't think when I've ever had to do it, or why I would, short of identifying the wrong route. Which would be easily rectifiable when lowering off. 

In reply to spidermonkey09:

What about when you set off up something which you think should be well within your grade but turns out to be far too hard for you or your partner to get more than 2 moves off the ground? Or is that just me?

 jezb1 02 May 2024
In reply to spidermonkey09:

> Except how common is it in reality to need to take the draw off the bolt? 

I do it quite regularly for the first bolt when stripping steeper routes. Often not a necessity but makes life easier sometimes.

 Misha 02 May 2024
In reply to spidermonkey09:

Very helpful on steep or diagonal routes where it’s otherwise a pain to strip the first couple of bolts. 

 spidermonkey09 02 May 2024
In reply to Lloyd Entwistle:

In reply to Misha:

Fair point, thats a potentially useful one.

>What about when you set off up something which you think should be well within your grade but turns out to be far too hard for you or your partner to get more than 2 moves off the ground? Or is that just me?

Can't be so common to make it a distinguishing feature between clipsticks surely. Pongooses are great but theyre insanely expensive. Also, in the event this does happen you're carrying a clipstick so are able to clipstick to the top and strip it as normal. 

 jezb1 02 May 2024
In reply to spidermonkey09:

If you want insanely expensive…

 ericincheddar 02 May 2024
In reply to jezb1:


In reply to Lloyd Entwistle:

Fingertape and er, a stick. You could be posh and add a bulldog clip and a few tie wraps. More robust and easier to repair than most of the comercial ones. Organic too for the eco tick.

Post edited at 20:37
 jezb1 02 May 2024
In reply to Ennerdaleblonde:

The finger tape plus stick versions are though, er, shit aren’t they.

 acrkirby 03 May 2024
In reply to spidermonkey09:

Very common, not only for giving up on a route at the first bouldery move but also for cleaning extremely steep routes where stripping the bottom bolts can have you swinging into the rock/opposing canyon wall. You can just skip it and take it out from the floor

 Tom Valentine 03 May 2024
In reply to Ennerdaleblonde:

First time I've heard tie wraps being given an eco tick. I feel a bit guilty every time I use one.......

In reply to Tom Valentine:

Releasable ones are available.

In reply to Lloyd Entwistle:


Thanks for all the useful feedback on the Beta Evo Clipstick, both good and bad!!!

Feedback is super valuable to us and we'd love to implement and change everything people suggest but as you all probably know it's never that easy to change things super quick.

I do let the design team know what people are saying and we're always looking at ways to improve the Beta Evo but it's not always possible to change things especially when we want to maintain price etc.

Anyway, thanks for all your thoughts and pointers on our product and we'll take it into consideration for the future.

 Tom Valentine 03 May 2024
In reply to Ennerdaleblonde:

Thanks. I can sleep easier now :}

 Fraser 03 May 2024
In reply to Euan McKendrick:

Is it possible to purchase replacement lever-clips for those that have worn down through use over the years? I'd like to replace a couple on mine to stop slippage, but I really don't want to have to buy a whole new clip-stick.

Edit: or even the small loose insert that gets pushed into the pole's groove when locking the lever?

Post edited at 12:46
 TobyA 03 May 2024
In reply to Fraser:

Mine is coming on 4 years old and although still generally works I'm starting to see that clips aren't as secure as they used to be also. A friend's betastick tends to collapse now on a few sections as his clips aren't working very well at all.

It would be a real shame if you had to junk the whole stick for those four of five bits of plastic on it. 

 Fraser 03 May 2024
In reply to TobyA:

Yeah, mine's about 8-10 years old now maybe, can't quite remember but a few sections were starting to consistently fail when tested at length. I tried to shim out the 'cam' on the levers with a layer of insulating tape but that's only given limited success as it wears out after only a few lock-unlock cycles. Personally I think there should be a rubber part in the mechanism somewhere that provided more grip and wouldn't wear out as quickly.

 mik82 03 May 2024
In reply to Fraser:

I've fixed this by pushing out the metal pin that holds the lever in, and then adding a small shim of thin plastic - cut up bank card works well, then reassembling.

 Fraser 03 May 2024
In reply to mik82:

Thanks, I saw your earlier post on this subject from 2020, but I count get that solution to work, I couldn't fully close the levers. Did you remove the small plastic insert that comes 'factory-fitted' (albeit loosely) or did that stay in place and the c/c shim sit between it and the cam on the lever? If the latter, what prevents it falling out when you open the clamp lever to the unlocked position?

 mik82 03 May 2024
In reply to Fraser:

The plastic insert remained. I can't remember whether the order was shim-insert-cam or insert-shim-cam, and don't currently have clipstick with me. It was a bit fiddly to get everything arranged but it doesn't fall out. I used an old AA card, no idea whether card thicknesses vary. 

 Fraser 04 May 2024
In reply to mik82:

No worries, thanks for the info. I'll give it a shot using your suggestion and see if that improves the grip.

 petegunn 04 May 2024
In reply to Euan McKendrick:

Would be great if you could order new plastic shims ( the circular white bit ) as now if I pull one section a bit too far it falls out so the pole is then in two pieces.

The little black plastic bit also then falls out and you have to hunt around on the floor for it otherwise when you re insert the pole section the clamps dont wont. 

 Fraser 06 May 2024
In reply to thread:

Just for future reference for anyone else having problems with the mk. 2 version of the beta-stick (green head and lever clamps to lock the sliding sections):

- knock out the pin that holds the clamp in place. The splined head is on the side closer to the head of the clip-stick, so always push out towards that to remove. 

- remove lever but don't remove the small piece of plastic profile that sits directly underneath it. This gets squeezed into the groove of the shaft of each separate section and it needs to remain in place.

- cut small plastic (or similar) shim, sized to provide a tight fit in the recess that is below the lever. I used a strip of semi-flexible plastic, about half the thickness of a credit card. The key is to have it fit quite tightly so it doesn't fall out when the lever is in the unlocked position. The shim should be the same size as the full length of the concave recess below the cammed profile part the lever.

- reposition the plastic lever and carefully tap the pin back in from the splined end.

- test the lever now securely locks the telescopic section in place.

I did this to 4 out of the 6 clamps on mine which were slipping and they all now seem to be fully locking in place as well as they did when the stick was new. 🤞

Post edited at 08:47
In reply to Euan McKendrick:

I would stay away from Beta Sticks, they are a waste of money as they don't last, break very quickly and you always see people struggling to extend or collapse them when they've had them a little while.

I had one of the longest old style clip sticks from them, it had it's issues after a while but it lasted nearly 10 years before I donated it to a friend and bought one of the new style Evo sticks (longest). In just under 6 years, I've now had 3 break. It came apart whilst someone was using it to clip up to the top of a route at Trollers Gill from the final bolt and half of it fell towards the belayer, could have really hurt someone. Awful design and awful company. But if you get sucked into the cheaper option then you get what you pay for I suppose.

They are built to break. The pathetic rubber cap at the bottom either wears through or falls off within a couple of months, then grit and dirt gets wedged inside and stops them working properly. So how about you put some sturdier rubber handle/cap on the bottom like the old style? Would put the price up what £2 maybe and most of them would last way longer and be safer probably too.

 jezb1 06 May 2024
In reply to Laurence Everitt:

> It came apart whilst someone was using it to clip up to the top of a route at Trollers Gill from the final bolt and half of it fell towards the belayer, could have really hurt someone.

Me and my dog had a near miss, nearly getting skewered by one when something similar happened.

In reply to mik82:

> The plastic insert remained. I can't remember whether the order was shim-insert-cam or insert-shim-cam, and don't currently have clipstick with me.

I put a little bit of adhesive to stop it falling out. Seemed to work well 

In reply to Laurence Everitt:

Appreciate your feedback but Awful company? Please could you expand upon this?

Post edited at 20:43
 ZacMoss 07 May 2024
In reply to acrkirby:

I find it just as bad to do it with both honesty. My beta stick is mostly damaged from user error, I left it extended and took a fall, it caught on the rock and got messed up. Still works mostly.


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