
Email User

Game dev, climber. Trad, bouldering, sport.

Melbourne, Derbyshire

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Photo Gallery

Finding a lunch spot on Glyder Fach before starting the descent down Y Gribin

Finding a lunch spot on Glyder Fach before starting the descent down Y Gribin
© midgen

Pinnacle Ridge from Sgurr a'Bhasteir summit

Pinnacle Ridge from Sgurr a'Bhasteir summit
© midgen

Ed ready to set off up the chimney on pitch 7 of Pan's Labyrinth

Ed ready to set off up the chimney on pitch 7 of Pan's Labyrinth
© midgen

Stepping up onto the crux on High Neb Buttress

Stepping up onto the crux on High Neb Buttress
© midgen

View south from Sgurr a'Fionn Choire through the gap towards Elgol

View south from Sgurr a'Fionn Choire through the gap towards Elgol
© midgen

Beginning the Window Cave Traverse

Beginning the Window Cave Traverse
© midgen

Concentrating on the crux moves on Ratbag

Concentrating on the crux moves on Ratbag
© midgen

Enjoying the exposure at the end of the Window Cave Traverse

Enjoying the exposure at the end of the Window Cave Traverse
© midgen

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