Scafell Pike Stretcher Box Found Emptied

© Wasdale MRT

Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team last night took to Facebook to report that the emergency stretcher box on Mickledore had been found emptied, its contents scattered across the hillside.

The stretcher box, found in a bit of a state
© Wasdale MRT

'Today we were contacted by a Mountain Instructor who informed us that the stretcher box on Mickledore had been emptied, possibly for someone to use as a shelter. Equipment was all over the ridge' they say on their Facebook page.

'The equipment in the box is located there for use in an emergency by the public and the team. Whilst we recognised that there may be times where someone would need shelter having being benighted, we would really appreciate the equipment being put back in the same condition as it was removed.'

'A number of team members went up to the box this evening to re pack the box. It is also worth noting that the box is not a rubbish bin.'

'We don't want a list of ranting comments below this post but would welcome you sharing to educate people who may not know what the box and the equipment is used for.'

'Thanks to the Mountain Instructor for picking up all of the gear.'



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