Snow Warning for Bank Holiday Hills

© Dan Bailey

Spring may have sprung, but there are still significant amounts of snow on the Scottish hills, and it could be hard-frozen and hazardous to unprepared walkers this coming long weekend, say Mountaineering Scotland and the BMC in a joint statement.

While much of the high ground is now snow free, substatial snow fields remain in sheltered hollows and north-facing corries, and this will include some of the standard routes on many of Scotland's popular Munros.

Significant snow remains up high, as here in Coire an t-Sneachda (picture taken 1st May)    © Dan Bailey
Significant snow remains up high, as here in Coire an t-Sneachda (picture taken 1st May)
© Dan Bailey

Temperatures over the last week having been unseasonably low, with new snow falling on some of the higher summits, and if the weather remains cold into the weekend then much of the old snow is likely to be hard and icy, posing a significant threat to anyone not properly equipped. We can attest to this, having used an axe and crampons on very steep neve on the Goat Track in Coire an t-Sneachda just this Tuesday.

Heather Morning Mountain Safety Advisor with Mountaineering Scotland, said:

"Every year at this time, folk get into difficulties when encountering old snow patches. Sadly, a slip and subsequent slide in the wrong place does sometimes result in fatalities."

"These snow patches will often be hard and located high up on the shady, north side of the mountain. Many traditional mountain routes cross through such terrain and are the usual choice for Munro baggers. Hill walkers are advised to treat these old snow patches with caution, particularly if the 'run out' below is over steep or rocky ground."

"My advice, if you don't have the kit or knowledge to deal with hard snow, is to adjust your plan and enjoy a day out on one of our fabulous lower hills or glens where there is no chance of encountering old snow patches."

"If you are planning to head up onto the higher mountains take a good look at the mountain weather forecasts. If temperatures at 900m are forecast to be below freezing then my advice would be to still have your winter kit with you - a rigid pair of boots, crampons and an ice axe. Check out mountain-specific weather conditions at"

Axe and crampons absolutely essential here this week (apologies for the horrid selfie)  © Dan Bailey
Axe and crampons absolutely essential here this week (apologies for the horrid selfie)
© Dan Bailey

Carey Davies, the British Mountaineering Council's Hill Walking Development Officer, added:

"It's important to remember there can be a big difference in climatic conditions across different parts of Britain, especially in spring. The south of England can have sunny T-shirt weather while the Cairngorms are still in sub-Arctic snow conditions. Even lowland Scotland can be a completely different world to the upper reaches of the Highlands".

"When spring arrives a lot of people feel the pull of the mountains and want to get up high again. But don't forget to check the weather forecast carefully and be prepared for things like snow fields and cornices."

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