Contributed by Just_Waltr Jun/23 - This public hilllist has been seen 563 times

Belaying under the Gable  © Alaister Nurse
Belaying under the Gable
Al Whitehead, Jun 2008
© Alaister Nurse

6 users are subscribed to this hilllist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Martin Bennett 90% 29 Sep, 2023
2nd Hidden 32% 11 May
3rd Just_Waltr 14% 11 Jul
4th DanielDean 12% 11 Jul

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Note: Only showing summits, scrambles, winter routes, and low grade climbs

Distribution of grades - Trad

Top 12 photos of this hilllist

Rory on The Bludgeon at Shepherds

The Bludgeon
Rory on The Bludgeon at Shepherds
© Ken Lewis

Chris Bonington still climbing at 78. Legend

Little Chamonix
Chris Bonington still climbing at 78. Legend
© Paluchi

Gimmer String

Gimmer String
© Nadir khan

Katie climbs The Bludgeon in typical Autumnal conditions.

The Bludgeon
Katie climbs The Bludgeon in typical Autumnal conditions.
© Tom McNally

great night on napes needle

The Wasdale Crack
great night on napes needle
© tjmillen

Bivi under East Buttress of Scafell. Colin Read [in red], preparing for second day of action to finish the first ascent of Lord

The Lord of the Rings
Bivi under East Buttress of Scafell. Colin Read [in red], preparing for second day of action to finish the first ascent of Lord
© Tony Marr

"Katie, can you climb Little Chamonix in a dinosaur suit?" "You bet Jurassican!"

Little Chamonix
"Katie, can you climb Little Chamonix in a dinosaur suit?" "You bet Jurassican!"
© Luke Briggs

The first 'climb to BASE' exit of Tophet Wall.

Tophet Wall
The first 'climb to BASE' exit of Tophet Wall.
© Tom McNally

OK, I know everyone posts the same photo of this route, but it's definitely a classic shot.

OK, I know everyone posts the same photo of this route, but it's definitely a classic shot.
© Derry

The Bludgeon receiving the non-sight treatment.

The Bludgeon
The Bludgeon receiving the non-sight treatment.
© mol

The guidebook shot

Troutdale Pinnacle
The guidebook shot
© Adventuring With Mike

Ken Jackson on The Centaur, Scafell East Buttress. Mid 1964.

The Centaur
Ken Jackson on The Centaur, Scafell East Buttress. Mid 1964.
© Tony Marr

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Little Chamonix VD *** 7977 70m • 4 Shepherd’s Crag
Troutdale Pinnacle S *** 3832 105m • 6 Black Crag...
Rib and Slab Climb HS 4b *** 339 ? Pillar
New West Climb VD *** 455 ? Pillar
Gillercombe Buttress S 4a *** 1913 ? Gillercombe
The Wasdale Crack HS 4c *** 1240 17m • 2 The Napes
Needle Ridge VD *** 1649 114m • 5 The Napes
Tophet Wall HS 4b *** 1377 75m • 4 The Napes
Moss Ghyll Grooves VS 4c *** 670 79m • 4 Scafell Crag
Jone's Route Direct from Lord's Rake HS 4b *** 310 ? Scafell Crag
Bowfell Buttress HS 4b *** 1185 110m • 4 Bowfell
'C' Route S 4b *** 1065 ? Gimmer Crag
Ash Tree Slabs VD *** 1796 ? Gimmer Crag
Murray's Route S 4a *** 1133 ? Dow Crag
North Crag Eliminate E1 5b ** 437 ? Castle Rock of...
Totalitarian E1 5c *** 332 ? • 4 Raven Crag,...
Praying Mantis E1 5b *** 573 ? • 3 Goat Crag,...
Engineer's Slabs VS 4c *** 459 60m • 2 Gable Crag
Extol E2 5c ** 109 ? Dove Crag (Dovedale)
Deer Bield Buttress E1 5a *** 97 ? Deer Bield Crag
The Crack VS 4c *** 1249 60m Gimmer Crag
Kipling Groove HVS 5a *** 1242 ? Gimmer Crag
Ichabod E2 5c *** 288 ? Scafell East...
Central Buttress E1 5b *** 658 122m • 6 Scafell Crag
Central Pillar E2 5b *** 445 ? • 6 Esk Buttress (Dow...
Gormenghast E1 5b *** 431 53m • 3 Heron Crag, Eskdale
Grooved Wall VS 5a ** 76 ? Pillar
Trespasser Groove E1 5a *** 173 ? Esk Buttress (Dow...
The Lord of the Rings E2 5c *** 41 340m • 14 Scafell East...
Hell's Groove E1 5b ** 86 ? Scafell East...
Chiron E4 5c *** 32 ? Scafell East...
The Centaur HVS 5a *** 157 ? Scafell East...
Mickledore Grooves VS 5a *** 347 67m • 2 Scafell East...
Brown Slabs Direct VD *** 3248 ? Shepherd’s Crag
Corvus D *** 2425 ? • 5 Raven Crag, Combe...
Usurper E1 5a ** 248 ? Falcon Crag
Aaros E1 5b *** 898 ? Shepherd’s Crag
The Bludgeon E1 5b *** 852 ? Shepherd’s Crag
Raindrop E1 5b *** 921 ? • 4 Black Crag...
The Philistine E1 5b *** 253 ? High Crag
Arcturus E1 5b *** 509 ? Pavey Ark
Capella E1 5b *** 810 70m • 2 Pavey Ark
Gimmer String E1 5b *** 475 ? Gimmer Crag
Whit's End Direct E1 5b *** 814 ? Gimmer Crag
Razor Crack E1 5b *** 344 ? Neckband Crag
Sword of Damocles E1 5b ** 63 ? North...
Woolly Jumper E1 5b *** 93 ? Bowfell
The Red Edge E1 5a *** 339 60m • 2 Esk Buttress (Dow...
Nimrod E1 5c *** 437 ? Dow Crag
Catacomb E1 5b *** 207 ? Dow Crag
35 e, 144 stars 45,109 1,402m 113
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