The Three Beinns Horseshoe, Arran Walking

This is a fabulous mountain walk in the unique hills of Arran, with some interesting scrambling terrain. The round takes in three mountains of the finest granite, including Beinn Tarsuinn, one of the island's Corbetts. The views from this ridge walk around the rest of the Glen Rosa skyline are sublime, and you'll also get a peak out westwards to the quiet Pirnmill Hills too. It's a shorter, easier option than the nearby Glen Rosa circuit, but equally worthwhile.

Goatfell from Beinn Tarsuinn  © GrahamUney
Goatfell from Beinn Tarsuinn
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NS0005737682 From the small car park follow the track north-westwards above the river. In 2km you'll reach a footbridge over the side stream of Garbh Allt that joins the main Glenrosa Water just below the bridge.

NR9824338663 Just over the bridge we leave the main track up the glen and take a vague muddy path to the left, climbing steeply uphill with the Garbh Allt to your left. You enter a small fenced exclosure, and towards the top end of this there is a path junction. Ignore the one to the right (you'll come down on this path at the end of the day). Keep beside the Garbh Allt until clear of the exclosure, and soon after you'll reach a ford across the river. The easiest place to cross is usually right at the bottom where another burn comes in to join the Garbh Allt, but failing that you can often cross higher up. The path soon moves away from the Garbh Allt, crossing rough open moorland as you climb steepening slopes towards Beinn Nuis. The path crosses a few bands of granite slab, but these are easily crossed. You reach the south ridge of Beinn Nuis beside a little knoll, and the path takes you steeply but easily up to the summit of Beinn Nuis at 792m.
Beinn Nuis and Beinn Tarsuinn on Arran  © GrahamUney
Beinn Nuis and Beinn Tarsuinn on Arran
© GrahamUney, Aug 2020

NR9556239893 As you head north from Beinn Nuis towards Beinn Tarsuinn the way is easy to follow despite being rocky. There is a path, and there are steep crags to the right and steep slopes to the left. Follow the ridge passing a number of granite tors down into a col at 709m.The climb now begins up to Beinn Tarsuinn. The way is obvious over rocky ground to the grassy top of a subsidiary summit at 796m. Beyond this you'll drop slightly into a little col, then climb to the summit of Beinn Tarsuinn at 826m.
Heading to Beinn Tarsuinn from Beinn Nuis on the Three Beinns Circuit on Arran.  © GrahamUney
Heading to Beinn Tarsuinn from Beinn Nuis on the Three Beinns Circuit on Arran.
© GrahamUney, Aug 2020

NR9600941272 The way onwards becomes rougher and requires careful route finding and some grade 1 scrambling. There is a path throughout, but it weaves between awkward boulders of granite, down a chimney, and across a slab. You'll reach a sandy notch with a rock tower ahead (this is Consolation Tower). You can go either side of this, but don't descend all the way to the col at Bealach an Fhir-bhogha. Just below Consolation Tower, and above the col, there is a path going off to the right. Follow this path down easy ground to the south-east. The path keeps above the craggy headwall of Coire Daingean, on a broad ridge. You'll be able to see the Meadow Face of Beinn Tasuinn to your right. The path takes you down granite slabs to a deep col at 595m. Go east from here, leaving the main path to climb eastwards to the summit ridge of Beinn a' Chliabhain. The summit ridge of this fine hill runs north-south, and is a lovely little scramble on granite.

NR9704140694 From the summit of Beinn a' Chliabhain follow the ridge southwards, down a few short awkward steps, to gain the broad moorland at Cnoc Breac. Beyond this small knoll the path becomes a little indistinct, but by continuing southwards, then south-eastwards you'll reach the exclosure you walked through earlier in the day. Go through a gate and pick up your outward path from this morning. Turn left downhill, and retrace your steps back to the car park at the foot of Glen Rosa.

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Further Routes

by GrahamUney

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