Bampton Fell above the Haweswater Dam Walking

Are you after a crowd-avoiding fell walk far from the honeypots? Bampton Fell from Burnbanks is a great short walk in a quiet part of the Lake District, giving superb views over Haweswater, and across the Lowther Valley to the distant North Pennines.

Four Stones Hill from the reservoir path  © GrahamUney
Four Stones Hill from the reservoir path
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NY5086416124 From the car park take the road up between the houses, to the right of the telephone box. Beyond the last house you'll come to a gate. Go through this and turn right, following the path up to the fell gate that leads out onto the open hillside. Go through the fell gate and follow the track to the left, keeping the woods to your left. You'll soon see Haweswater down on your left too. Keep going, westwards, to a gate through a deer fence below Four Stones Hill. Go through this, and walk to a very large tree stump on the right, by a ruined drystone wall.

NY4892415648 Leave the main track here and follow a narrow path diagonally uphill. This turned through wet meadows to reach a deer fence. Go through the gate and turn left, following a path to the footbridge over Measand Beck.

NY4825215731 Follow the track to the north-east, then walk up a gully to an other track that cuts across the top of the hill. Turn right and follow the track to a sheepfold beneath a mound with a cairn on its top. Grassy slopes to the east lead up to the top of Bampton Fell where superb views over Haweswater can be had, while the North Pennines fill the view to the east.

NY4869016526 Follow the ridge north-eastwards to another cairn, then down to the south-east to three distinct knolls in a north-south line. Climb to the top of the middle one, known as Pinnacle Howe.

NY4974416610 Heading south-east over grassland will lead you beneath the knoll of Burn Banks, where the old transmitter mast is marked on the OS map, but doesn't exist any more. Below this a path leads back to the fell gate at Burnbanks village.

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