Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 841m a.s.l
Faces N

Pinnacle Ridge, St Sunday Crag, Lakes © Sean Kelly

Summit of this hill

This summit is listed in Marilyns, Wainwrights, Nuttalls, Hewitts, Trail 100, England's Furth Munros, Corbetts & Grahams., England's 2000ers, Lakeland 50 High Fells, England's Top 50, Lakeland 100 hill lists.

This summit has been climbed in 790 logbooks.

Hill features

I have left user 'BigHell's' original introduction to the crag as it really shows his enthusiasm for a neglected part of the Lakes!

Easier mountaineering type routes, in a superb setting including the classic scramble Pinnacle Ridge. Standing for the first time on Helvellyns Striding Edge I looked accross the Grisedale trench towards St Sunday crag and marvelled at its many gullies,a virtual theme park for any prospective mountaineer. The OS Map only names three gullies Y, East and West Chockstones but there are many more to be explored none of which are too technical.

Having climbed through them all on a number of occasions I would recommend this lake land classic to anyone from rambler to mountaineer. From Patterdale the normal route can easily be found starting from the rear of the White Lion car park and taking you on to Thornhow end where you start the steep but easy climb between Harrison and Black crags. It's a well worn path that is easy to follow leading you to St Sundays summit, but for the prospective mountaineer its best to take the Grisedale valley footpath, follow the narrow country lane which runs past the side of the sports cricket ground. From here the walk into the Grisdale trench will lead you to some of the most breathtaking views Lake land has to offer. As you reach the gate at the end of the Elmhow Plantation you will see to the left the faint outline of the Elmhow zigzags a path that offers an easier ascent to the crag face of St Sunday.

I Personally prefer to carry on walking until I reach the first small footbridge which spans the tributary flowing down from the crag face, from there look upon St Sundays many rock climbs and gullies and just imagine the possibilities! Directly above the bridge and to the right is West Chockstone gully with Y gully around 100m to the left of this standing in the centre of the crag, the left branch of Y gully joins with Pillar gully around half height. Moving left again for 50m you will see the start of pillar which is 170m right of the obvious East Chockstone gully, 180m left of East Chockstone you will find the start of Pinnacle ridge which is 4.5 miles taken as a round trip from Patterdale. As I have said before none of the gullies are too technical and excepting East Chockstone all have escape routes including the much debated grade 3 scramble Pinnacle Ridge.

Approach notes

No parking up the Grisedale valley or in the country lane at the side of the sports ground, (this now has double yellow lines).

Approach time 1hour 15mins

Route Cards

St Sunday Crag

5.72 miles, 724m ascent, 2 – 3:30 hours. Windermere

4*Trail RunningWalking
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Just done the route and completely agree with previous comments. The only "pitch" of note is the corner, which is of similar grade to the initial chimney on Bristly Ridge. Grade 2 at most BUT still a route to be recommended (just don't expect to be gripped).
JohnTerrill - 07/Oct/07
OHHHHHHH and a grde 3 scramble means there aint any escape routes off, well not easy ones any way. and at any point on the Pinnacle ridge you can get off without any danger at all.
Graham Heaton - 29/Jul/04
Hi, I have visited the Pinnacle ridge on Sunday carg today as i have read books and got information of the net about it, now several books and web sites have reted this scramble as a grade 3!!!!!!!! Now if you have done Aonach eagach ridge in Glencoe ( Scotland ) or Sgurr Nan Gillian ( Skye ) you will probably of noticed that these ridges too are grade 3. And there is no comparison at all. On |Pinnacle ridge there aint hardly any exposure nor any hard moves at all, at the whole scramble from start to finish last 15mins. I would rate it as a grade 2 definatly no higher and certainatly NOT a grade 3, i was very disapointed with the grading of this scramble. Many thanks. Graham.
Graham Heaton - 29/Jul/04
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