Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 506m a.s.l
Faces N

Shutlingsloe summit © David Carpenter

Summit of this hill

This summit is listed in Peak District 400s, Deweys (England), Peak District 400\'s - Revised, Pennine Peaks, The Ethels of the Peak District, Off The Radar 300, Every Crag in The Peak hill lists.

This summit has been climbed in 301 logbooks.

Hill features

Shutlingsloe is a hill near the village of Wildboarclough, in the east of the county of Cheshire. It stands to the south of Macclesfield Forest, on the edge of the Peak District and within the Peak District National Park.

A steep-sided hill with a distinctive profile, sometimes described as the 'Matterhorn of Cheshire', it is the third highest peak in the county (Shining Tor being the highest and Whetstone Ridge second highest) with an elevation of 506 m (1,660 ft), and commands excellent views over Cheshire.

The name derives from old English 'Scyttel's hlaw' meaning 'Scyttel's (personal name) hill' and is one of several 'low' names in the Peak District, from the same Old English root that gives rise to the name "Law" for many hills in southern Scotland.

Approach notes

Lies on Access Land

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