Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 538m a.s.l
Faces N

Stu on Spartan, Highball V1, Back Tor, Derwent Edge. © Stuart Brooks

Summit of this hill

This summit is listed in Deweys (England), Pennine Peaks, The Ethels of the Peak District hill lists.

This summit has been climbed in 97 logbooks.

Hill features

To the north of Dovestone Tor, the flagged path rises steadily up toward the conspicuous trig point on the rocky crest of Back Tor at 538m - a magnificent view point. There is worthwhile scrambling and bouldering all over the summit area, though the recognised routes are on a small west-facing outcrop just to the south. The rock is of good quality though it is green after rain. Also, extensive pools form under the crag, forming a potential SWS spot.

Approach notes

Back Tor is situated high above Ladybower Reservoir. There are two main approaches:

1) Cutthroat Bridge (50 mins walk). Park in the lay-by on the A57 above Cutthroat Bridge, or in the bigger pull-off further up the hill if this is full. From the bridge, pick up one of two paths up to the crest of the moor, where a right turn leads past some good bouldering, to the Tor.

2) Foulstone Delf near the Strines Inn (40 mins walk). Park on the bend opposite the gated track and follow it past the shooting lodge and up to the crest of the ridge, then turn left (south) onto the flagged path which leads to Dovestone Tor, Back Tor is to the right at the junction. WARNING - Both parking areas, especially Foulstone Delf are visited regularly by thieves. Leave nothing in your car.

Note there is no longer any parking at the start of the path just north of Strines. There is space for 4 or 5 cars 1km further north on the right-hand side of the road (Hall Lane, SK 227909).

Route Cards

Sorry, There are no Route Cards associated with this hill
J Harding added quite a few bouldering problems last year, not all of which have been added to the database. Until then the topo he made is available here
charvey - 07/Apr/20
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