easy grades in the lakedistrict to practise skills

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 ian clarke 05 Dec 2010
dear all at ukc

me and my friend jack are heading up to the lakedistrict in the christmas break and looking to do some easy routes we both have some experience of crampons and axes but would like to tackle grade 1/2's and practise the skills.

so my question's are

1. any good suggestions for routes?

2. anygood advice on what we might find on 1/2's or is a grade 3 possibile??

3. anybody got a copy of lakedistrict winter climbs they would like to sell me

yours ian c

p.s. i know the 2nd question is slighty vague but am wanting to get in to winter mountaineering.
RhyoliteFan 05 Dec 2010
In reply to ian clarke:


I was like you quite a few years back and still only do grade 1's on the very odd occasion we get conditions in the lakes. Try Skew Gill, followed by Gusts Gully on Great End, its about 700ft of easy winter mountaineering. No need for ropes or gear, just and axe and crampons will get you up there and keeping moving will keep you warm. In Skew gill expect to walk up an icy ravine, scrambling over boulders, there is a little headwall of snow at the end, which takes you up on to the shoulder for Gusts Gully. Gusts under true winter conditions is a plod up a 35 degree snow slope, with great rock architecture, you'll enjoy it. The exit might have a small cornice, basically just pull of over this, but chances are you will never see it because there will be a slot in the snow from the amount of traffic up and down the gully, its used as a descent a lot by people from central gully. I think your biggest problems will be with navigation if visibility is poor in mist and snow it can be a bit confusing trying to establish your position, but you'll manage ok and if not ask the way there will be plenty of people about when there is a hint of snow. Hope this helps.
 Henry Iddon 05 Dec 2010
In reply to ian clarke:

Why not just get a guide or AMI for a day?
OP ian clarke 05 Dec 2010
In reply to ian clarke: to rhyolite thank you for the advice

to henry i havent got lots of money spare
 Henry Iddon 05 Dec 2010
In reply to ian clarke:

Fair play - it may not be to expensive if you can share with a friend. Plus you'll learn lots in a short space of time so in some respects it could be a saving in the long run. Either way enjoy yourself.

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