Backhill of Bush bothy, Galloway Hills

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 Tib 29 Apr 2024

Hi all,

Climbing in Galloway hills this June. I was wondering if anyone has a recent experience of the Backhill of Bush bothy,  used to access Dungeon hill.  Looking at old threads from several years ago it has clearly suffered from some issues with misuse and vandalism , as well as gear left at the bothy being stolen. I was wandering if it has got any better? Maybe using it as an overnight stay or just a base to leave bikes etc. Thanks in advance. 

In reply to Tib:

Mates of mine had there stuff nicked from there several years ago. I've not been passed in a few years but I can't imagine the situation has improved as the forestry gates are usually left open so it is easy to drive in.

I'd probably chance staying there, especially midweek, but I'd definitely not leave anything there during the day*.

That said my preferred option would be to camp on the E store at Loch Enoch and walk in from there - avoids crossing the Silver Flowe SSSI too.

* goes for almost all Galloway bothies unfortuantely

OP Tib 29 Apr 2024
In reply to Friseal Ó hAodha:

Ok good advice,  thank you!

 ebdon 29 Apr 2024
In reply to Tib:

I had a look in 2 years ago on my way to go climbing at the Dungeon. It was absolutely disgusting,  rubbish, dirty pots and pans, half eaten food and rodent droppings everywhere. A real shame. I would have tried to do some tidying but you would have needed a truck to make a dent.

We camped nearer the hill. 

OP Tib 29 Apr 2024
In reply to ebdon:

Ok great,  thank you sounds like one to avoid! If I do go near the bothy I'll have a look and give you all feedback.  Cheers!

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