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Ben Nevis from Aonach Mor

Ben Nevis from Aonach Mor
© ebdon

into the light on Fat mans misery, Zion NP

into the light on Fat mans misery, Zion NP
© ebdon

The leap...

The leap...
© ebdon


© ebdon

Cadir Idris sunset

Cadir Idris sunset
© ebdon

Liathach ridge

Liathach ridge
© ebdon

Avalanche on Mini-Moonflower

Avalanche on Mini-Moonflower
© ebdon

Winter Stannage

Winter Stannage
© ebdon

Click to view ebdon's gallery. (122 photos)
Chosen as the Featured Gallery on 08-Sep-08.
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Click to list photo comments written by me. (24 comments)
I've voted for 576 photos, average vote 3.8.
(27% superb - 34% good - 25% average - 10% poor - 2% rubbish)

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