WANTED - UK Based Female Backpack Testers

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Lowe Alpine 05 Nov 2014
We’re looking for experienced UK based female backpackers to help us develop a new trekking backpack.

If you have recently done a self-supported expedition or long distance trek where you’ve carried 10kg+ for 5 days or more we’d like to hear from you.* Initially we’re looking for testers willing to give up a few weekends over the next three months to test and feedback on a new concept and in return we’ll give you some free kit and enrol you on our testing program for your future adventures.

If you’re interested in helping us please email the below address with details of your previous expeditions or treks.

[email protected]

*Please note, we’re not looking for people who have traveled with a large pack, it is important that you have carried the pack for at least 6 hours every day during your trek.

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