'Til Kingdom Come

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 Cobra_Head 22 Jan 2021

Just watched the last half of 'Til Kingdom Come: Trump, Faith and Money.


I couldn't believe the twisted thoughts to make their ideology fit their actions.

I didn't realise Trump had an Evangelical Advisory Board!

Complete and utter madness, especially since one side is waiting for the other to be annihilated, so they go to heaven!!

What would Jesus say?

In reply to Cobra_Head:

Where did you view it? Just watched the trailer on the metfilms site, looks interesting, but can't find anywhere online that is showing it. Do you have a link please?

The link between the White House and religious zealots is quite disturbing, especially given the want for separation of church and state. Look into the Evangelical Breakfast meetings for further evidence on how interlinked it all is. Some amazing mental gymnastics going on to justify their behaviour.

Edit: Jesus would say "Where's my whip? Right, it's Jesus vs The Moneylenders 2, Evangelical boogaloo" Or he'd turn the other cheek cos, y'know, Jesus loved a spanking.

Second edit: Found it on iplayer.

Post edited at 13:42
OP Cobra_Head 22 Jan 2021
In reply to Boris\'s Johnson:

BBC last night, actually this morning, 12:10am

Edit, must read all of a post before replying

Perplexing isn't the word!!

Post edited at 14:19
In reply to Boris\'s Johnson:

> especially given the want for separation of church and state.

That ended a long time ago. When they replaced 'e pluribus unum' with 'in god we trust'.

In reply to Cobra_Head:

> What would Jesus say?

I haven't watched it but I doubt very much that Jesus would find a great deal of common cause with American Evangelical supporters of the Republican Party.

He declared that his mission was to bring good news to the poor and he warned how material wealth can be a barrier to entry into the kingdom of God. His anger was most visible against those who used religion to prey on the poor. He closely associated with economic and social outcasts and he rejected of the self righteous religious establishment of his day who placed heavy burdens on peoples shoulders but neglected the important matters of the law such as justice and concern for people who were trapped in poverty.

 Ridge 23 Jan 2021
In reply to Cobra_Head:

> What would Jesus say?

“That was some weird shit.”

In reply to Cobra_Head:

Well, I've no words to describe the downright daftness of that.

Interesting, if not slightly scary. Cheers for bringing it to my attention.

OP Cobra_Head 27 Jan 2021
In reply to Boris\'s Johnson:

Crazy man!!

I still can't get my head around most of it.

 wbo2 27 Jan 2021
In reply to Cobra_Head:

> What would Jesus say?

Let me out of this detention camp! (Refugee)

Or if he came to Britain... Please Pritti let me out of this detention camp.

 mondite 27 Jan 2021
In reply to Cobra_Head:

> What would Jesus say?

"Please dont tazer me arghhhhhhhhh" As they dragged him off to the illegal immigrant camp.

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