Quite possibly the most bizarre thing I’ve read this year

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A hazmat dredger, please, to the stretch of the River Thames in which Russell Brand was recently baptised, in an event apparently conducted by TV adventurer and chief scout Bear Grylls. I know, it’s incredible: Thames Water is no longer responsible for the biggest piece of shit in the river.

where do you even start with this one…? 

In reply to no_more_scotch_eggs:

Yup, crazy stuff.

I was a one-time supporter of Mr G but his comments on tax and now this nonsense really do complete my Damascene conversion.  

 Rob Exile Ward 14 May 2024
In reply to TheDrunkenBakers:

We can only hope these are the desperate throws of two fading narcissists who realise that their time is up. Thank God.

 wintertree 14 May 2024
In reply to no_more_scotch_eggs:

It’s a bit early in the week to be hitting the mind bleach like…

 toad 14 May 2024
In reply to no_more_scotch_eggs:

good grief. Do we know if they then spent the night at a Travelodge?

 birdie num num 14 May 2024
In reply to Rob Exile Ward:

Thank God!?

Russ has just been baptised don't forget! He's back... the prodigal has returned. Cleansed of sin in good old Father Thames. 
The old Cheese and Rice has forgiven him...you must kill the fatted calf

Post edited at 22:08
 Hooo 14 May 2024
In reply to no_more_scotch_eggs:

Good old Marina, I do love her work.

I watched a doc on Bear Grylls once and thought he came across as a decent guy who'd just ended up as this character while trying to make a living doing the sort of thing we all love. I actually started to respect him... I was such a sucker. I will now serve a penance for these evil thoughts, and will never again sink so low as to have any respect for him. 

 Andy Hardy 14 May 2024
In reply to no_more_scotch_eggs:

Does the lack of drowning and / or e-coli prove that God exists and RB is innocent, or is it proof that God doesn't exist, because how could he overlook an opportunity like that?

 Albert Tatlock 14 May 2024
In reply to Hooo:

Your penance should be like Mr Grylls has done, drink your own urine.

 deepsoup 15 May 2024
In reply to Hooo:

Regarding the fakery and nonsense, there's always been that argument that goes "his programmes aren't supposed to be educational, they're just entertainment".  But he outed himself as an utter bellend with zero respect for the natural world back in 2010 with the 'bat tennis' thing. 

A decent guy with a solid moral centre trying to make a living as an adventurer on the telly doing the sort of thing we'd all love to do would have ended up basically being Steve Backshall, or at least Steve Irwin.

In reply to deepsoup:

Yes. SB appears to do it for real, sleeps under a hammock, and takes enough water so as not to need to find a dead camel, drink its stomach juices, then sleep in its carcass.

 spenser 15 May 2024
In reply to deepsoup:

What about Ray Mears? He seems pretty decent.

 Michael Hood 15 May 2024
In reply to no_more_scotch_eggs:

I particularly liked Grylls "Faith and spiritual moments in our lives are really personal" and then slapping the photo etc on Instagram (or wherever) for all to see.

 TobyA 15 May 2024
In reply to Hooo:

> Good old Marina, I do love her work.

I enjoy reading her as well, although once again you really need to read the whole thing to appreciate. I read the opening paragraph quoted here a few times before I could work out where the grammar construction was taking me! Much easier with the headline and the photo above.

I've always thought Brand was weird in a not a good way. Yet another conversion does nothing to change my view!

 Andy Johnson 15 May 2024
In reply to Andy Hardy:

> Does the lack of drowning and / or e-coli prove that God exists and RB is innocent, or is it proof that God doesn't exist, because how could he overlook an opportunity like that?

A benevolent god would never create Russel Brand. Since RB exists, I take this to be incontrovertible proof that god either doesn't exist or has it in for us.

 wintertree 15 May 2024
In reply to spenser:

> What about Ray Mears? He seems pretty decent.

Bruce Parry seemed as honest as you can get, and he never shied away from a challenge.

 Rob Exile Ward 15 May 2024
In reply to wintertree:

It's been quite a long time since we've had either a 'Bear Grylls vs Ray Mears' thread or 'Does God Exist', and here they come both rolled into one!

In reply to Rob Exile Ward:

> It's been quite a long time since we've had either a 'Bear Grylls vs Ray Mears' thread or 'Does God Exist', and here they come both rolled into one!

Coel left this shire a while ago didn't he? Come to think of it, where did he go?

On the Grylls v Mears debate, I think that was done and dusted. Mears wins.

 owlart 15 May 2024
In reply to TheDrunkenBakers:

> Coel left this shire a while ago didn't he? Come to think of it, where did he go?


In reply to owlart:

Bear… is that you…? 😆

I preferred you back when you were pretending to abseil off of antlers you pretended to find on the Cuillin ridge…

 deepsoup 15 May 2024
In reply to spenser:

> What about Ray Mears? He seems pretty decent.

Yeah, I think so.  Also Bruce Parry (as Wintertree says), or from a previous generation Les Hiddins (aka Bush Tucker Man).

Edit to add:

Just to give us something a bit more uplifting/entertaining than Bear Grylls's bellendery in this thread.  Here's his predecessor as Chief Scout, Peter Duncan (also a very decent sort I believe) getting involved in a bit of very old-school roped access even for 1980.  I was going to say there's no discreetly hidden top-rope in this clip, but actually the camera crew do have harnesses and the cameraman in a bosun's chair does have a top-rope to back it up.  No such luck for Duncan:  youtube.com/watch?v=ID5cViSga68&

Post edited at 17:45
 deepsoup 15 May 2024
In reply to TheDrunkenBakers:

> Coel left this shire a while ago didn't he? Come to think of it, where did he go?

Banned.  He lost it a bit and got quite abusive.  More about politics than religion if I remember right.

 Hooo 15 May 2024
In reply to deepsoup:

It's a shame he's gone, but yeah, he lost it. Last thing I saw from him was a very offensive racist post. He should have stuck to religion.

In reply to deepsoup:

> Banned.  He lost it a bit and got quite abusive.  More about politics than religion if I remember right.

Ah, I see. 

 Sealwife 16 May 2024
In reply to Rob Exile Ward:

> It's been quite a long time since we've had either a 'Bear Grylls vs Ray Mears' thread or 'Does God Exist', and here they come both rolled into one!

With a side-order of turds in the Thames, on more than one level.

 Billhook 16 May 2024
In reply to TheDrunkenBakers:

Don't forget though - it wasn't any ordinary camel.  When he  supposedly got out of in morning he'd got a newly ironed shirt on......    a camel with laundry facilities perhaps.

 peppermill 16 May 2024
In reply to spenser:

> What about Ray Mears? He seems pretty decent.

I fell down a YouTube hole while ill over Christmas with one of these prolonged chest infections doing the rounds in my area and rediscovered his back-catalogue. 

His "Bushcraft" series must be some of the most wonderful television ever made. Mears and Grylls even being mentioned in the same sentence seems daft.

 Yanchik 16 May 2024
In reply to peppermill:

Grylls would be flexing and talking and fondling hunting knives and night scopes without realising that Mears had actually already killed him painlessly and was beginning to eat him...

Mears biography says he was gutted not to pass the medical to join the Marines. 

It amuses me that the last telly I saw Grylls do, he fancied the companionship of some military men. So instead of going to a reunion of his old unit or meeting old squadron mates like any veteran I've ever met, he goes and gooseberries at some random TA place that presumably couldn't avoid offering hospitality. Awkward. 

Excuse me venting, I do some stuff with Scouts, and it p1sses me off that Grylls is Chief Scout of an organisation that has integrity as one of its values when we have such preferable candidates...


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