My 7 year old has a bad cough.

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 fmck 30 May 2020

Ok before anyone starts this has lasted since the beginning of the year. It started like clearing the throat to now barking like a seal months later. The advice and prescription we got was for a asthma inhaler. It doesnt seem to make any differance. She has the worst coughs when she does active exercise and she is very active. We did some exhaling recordings the GP has asked for but to be honest seem quite random maybe because The child doing it incorrect. Has anyone experienced anything like this. 

 mypyrex 30 May 2020
In reply to fmck:

I'm unable to advise but wonder why you have delayed seeking professional advice. When you say that she's had it since the beginning of the year I presume your talking about several weeks pre-Covid 19. I'm just surprised you didn't get it checked out much sooner.

 gazhbo 30 May 2020
In reply to mypyrex:

Read it again.

 Stichtplate 30 May 2020
In reply to fmck:

Doesn’t sound good. Easier said than done at the moment but your daughter needs a face to face with a GP. Emphasise the longevity of the complaint, emphasise that it’s getting worse. Get the name of the doctor you’re speaking to, ask them to spell it to underline that you’re writing it down. If you aren’t happy with the response you are entitled to a second opinion.

A seal like bark might indicate swelling around the larynx but any diagnosing over the internet with the details provided is essentially worthless. Good luck

XXXX 30 May 2020
In reply to fmck:

Croup? It's quite distinctive and barking like a seal sounds exactly like it. 7 is a bit old I think. 

 john arran 30 May 2020
In reply to fmck:

If only the government had handled the covid-19 crisis well enough such that people weren't still afraid to consult face to face with health professionals some three months after it became apparent that drastic measures were needed to prevent it becoming a major and ongoing health risk.

Post edited at 18:59
OP fmck 30 May 2020
In reply to john arran:

Yeh the spray is doing nothing. IF I CAIM  HER DOWN. It works.

 marsbar 30 May 2020
In reply to fmck:

She needs to be seen as above.  

Sometimes children don’t find it easy to use an inhaler so a spacer may help.  But this is just a guess, please call your doctor.  It may be something different.  

 Bobling 30 May 2020
In reply to fmck:

As others above have said get medical advice, and keep pressing them, I imagine your GP will refer you on to hospital fairly quickly?  FWIW my wife works closely with a children's hospital and apparently they are quite quiet at the moment so perhaps you might have more opportunity to get time from those god-like consultant folks at the top.  With the potential for schools at some point in the future you really need to get this sorted out before she starts coughing in a class room and panicking staff and other pupils. 

Good luck and hope she gets better soon.

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