Peak District area: lost large #6 Black Diamond Cam

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 Graeme Hammond 13 May 2024

Am really perplexed: last week I had a large green (#6) black diamond Camelot in my car an now it's not in there. The best explanation I can think of is that unknowingly it has fallen out of the car at a parking spot.  All the locations I have been to since I last used it at  Honley Quarry last Thursday have been check (most likely the parking at electric quarry) and it has not been found unfortunately. As a last resort I am posting to ask if anyone has found this large cam as I'd love to get it back. postage will be covered if it needs postage + a suitable beer token or Mountain Rescue donation given its value.



In reply to Graeme Hammond:

Explanation would require time travel but... this?

Post edited at 13:35
In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:


hopefully it is my cam as i seem to have got my dates mixed up and lost a whole week as well as a cam. I was there Sunday evening 5th May and again Tuesday evening 7th. I'll send a message

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