FREE: On The Edge 1Magazines. #1 - 100 (ish)

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 GravitySucks (user since 12/Sep/14) 20 May 2024

Hi folks, I have the history of British climbing from the 80's onwards in the form of OTE magazines (in pristine condition). A house move forces me to relinquish possession so here's your chance to snap up some evening reading matter at no cost, it would be good to see them go to a new home rather than recycling!

Can collect or deliver to the Sheffield area.

In reply to GravitySucks:

Hi there, i'd love these if they're available. I'm Sheffield based so happy to collect/ whatever. 


OP GravitySucks 21 May 2024
In reply to RagingAbeSimpson:

They're yours !  When and where would you like them ? (hint - I'm moving house on Thursday )

In reply to GravitySucks:

Can you text/whatsapp me on 07450959128. I can collect tonight/tomorrow but am Meersbrook based if that makes your life easier.

OP GravitySucks 21 May 2024
In reply to RagingAbeSimpson:

Hi, sorry I missed your message, I was at the wall I guess it will have to be tomorrow or possibly Thursday. I will send you a message to confirm details.

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