Thirlmere Road Closure - Statutory Consultation

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 tim carruthers 24 Aug 2023

Cumberland Highways have today confirmed that the Statutory Consultation on the Permanent Closure of part of the U7003 alongside Thirlmere Reservoir will open on 25th August and close on 15th September 2023.
They have also confirmed that all comments, feedback and objections sent in to date or before 25th August do not count in the Statutory process. 


 Neil Williams 24 Aug 2023
In reply to tim carruthers:

Do you have a link to the actual consultation?

Personally I think it should reopen to pedestrians and cycles but not motor vehicles.

In reply to Neil Williams:

The Consultation opens tomorrow and should then be listed here:

In reply:

The new proposed TRO which will have the effect of permanently closing the U7003 west of Thirlmere has now been published. Super sneakily, Cumberland have buried it in the middle (schedule 32B) of a long 108 page document largely about parking restrictions in Keswick with a misleading address of "Main Street Keswick CA12 5DR", but here it is:

Post edited at 18:27
 Neil Williams 29 Aug 2023
In reply to tim carruthers:


[email protected]

if anyone else wishes to object as I have.

Note the proposal is indeed to close the middle bit to everyone including pedestrians and cyclists.

Post edited at 16:38

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