Descent Rope at St. Bees Head South

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 timmr002 21 Aug 2023

The lower section of the approach rope for the southern head bouldering venue gave out on me at the tail end of last week (I have just got back from holiday and didn't have access to the forum). Fortunately I had walked in and was just starting to use it to scramble up the cliff. I only fell a few feet.

I have reported this as a near miss to the BMC, but I wanted to spread the word that the remaining rope (from the top of the cliff) should be treated with extreme scepticism, and ideally replaced. Does anyone know how this information could be passed to the necessary person(s), please?

Also note that this was the most southern descent ("fisherman's") rope; the one 100m further north was not inspected.  St. Bees Head

 spenser 21 Aug 2023
In reply to timmr002:

Report it to the relevant BMC access rep (I think it's Ron Kenyon):

Probably also worth noting it on the UKC Page for the crag and on the BMC RAD.

I presume that you're talking about the accidents/ near miss database? If so it's great to see people using it!

OP timmr002 22 Aug 2023
In reply to spenser:

Thanks spenser. I have contacted the folks you mentioned.

 Alpenglow 22 Aug 2023
In reply to timmr002:

How much rope is required to re-rig properly?

I live in the area and could potentially get some old rope.

OP timmr002 22 Aug 2023
In reply to Alpenglow:

Not sure, but within the ball park of 100m as a rough guess.

 Ron Kenyon 24 Aug 2023
In reply to Alpenglow:

Would be good to get re-rigged.  Not sure when I can get over.  This is presumably at the Fisherman's Steps (South) end -  not the North end of the climbing area.  Would be good to know state of play of the two descents and what if anything else needs/can be done.

 petegunn 24 Aug 2023
In reply to timmr002:

More often than not its the local fisherman that replace the ropes - there was a chap who went down 3/4 times a week to catch fish for his racing dogs so they will be replaced very soon. 

If not i think Ron is on the case 👍

 Ron Kenyon 24 Aug 2023
In reply to petegunn:

Not been down that way for yonks -  might be when we did Harmony in the dim and distant.  As Pete says the local fishermen seem to keep an eye on that descent.  Would appreciate any feedback on this descent and also the other one at the north end.

 oldie 24 Aug 2023
In reply to Ron Kenyon:

Out of interest what types of rope are generally used, especially by the fishermen. I've seen new 8 or 10mm hawser laid polypropylene which is often removed after a season. Sometimes older hawser laid rope of indeterminate origin (some probably washed up on the shore) and some definitely in situ for well over 10 years. None of this for abseil, just pulling up slopes.

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