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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 38 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: 95.2 , Penon de Ifach, Font d'Axia, Montesa, Franchard Hautes-Plaines, Monte Colodri, Baone, Räterichsboden, Rocher Fin, Croz de le Niere ... plus 28 more

Photo Gallery

Klein Furkahorn Summit

Klein Furkahorn Summit
© Emma

Bouldering in the Gotthard Pass

Bouldering in the Gotthard Pass
© Emma

Graue Wand - Niedermann

Graue Wand - Niedermann
© Emma

Summit of Galengrat

Summit of Galengrat
© Emma

Niedermann - Graue Wand

Niedermann - Graue Wand
© Emma

Franchard Ermitage, Kids White Circuit Number 25b

Franchard Ermitage, Kids White Circuit Number 25b
© Emma

Bouldering in th Gotthard Pass

Bouldering in th Gotthard Pass
© Emma

Sagittarius - Gelmerfluh

Sagittarius - Gelmerfluh
© Emma

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