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Shadow on the Wall

Shadow on the Wall
© markryle

Rùm and Skye February Dawn

Rùm and Skye February Dawn
© markryle

Vertiges de l'Oubli, Les Vuardes, Vallée de l'Arve, Haute-Savoie

Vertiges de l'Oubli, Les Vuardes, Vallée de l'Arve, Haute-Savoie
© Jon Bracey

Last light on A' Mhaighdean from Beinn Airigh Charr

Last light on A' Mhaighdean from Beinn Airigh Charr
© markryle

Crescent moon sets between Cul Beag and Stac Pollaidh from Cul Mòr

Crescent moon sets between Cul Beag and Stac Pollaidh from Cul Mòr
© markryle

Stirling Castle, Ben Vorlich and Stuc a' Chroin from Bannockburn

Stirling Castle, Ben Vorlich and Stuc a' Chroin from Bannockburn
© markryle

Ben Ledi, Cruach Ardrain, Dumyat, Stob Binnein, Queensferry Crossing and Old College from Holyrood Park, Edinburgh

Ben Ledi, Cruach Ardrain, Dumyat, Stob Binnein, Queensferry Crossing and Old College from Holyrood Park, Edinburgh
© markryle

Waxing crescent moonset Rum to Bla Bheinn panorama

Waxing crescent moonset Rum to Bla Bheinn panorama
© markryle

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