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I'm an arse


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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 3 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Holyhead Mountain Boulder Field, The Ghost Cave (Treaddur Bay), Castell Mawr Red Wharf Bay

About My Photography
its poor very poor but im not claiming to be a great photographer.

Photo Gallery

Neil B on flowstoned

Neil B on flowstoned
© leewil86

Neil B on the first ascent of Flowstoned

Neil B on the first ascent of Flowstoned
© leewil86

Nathan Binstead at Castell mawr crag

Nathan Binstead at Castell mawr crag
© leewil86

lee williams on illinois enema bandit traverse

lee williams on illinois enema bandit traverse
© leewil86

Dan 'Bruce' Roberts wrestling his way to the F/A of 'The Chode'

Dan 'Bruce' Roberts wrestling his way to the F/A of 'The Chode'
© leewil86

Ryan Gibson on the FA of herberts problem

Ryan Gibson on the FA of herberts problem
© leewil86

Ryan Gibson on herberts problem

Ryan Gibson on herberts problem
© leewil86

Ryan Gibson on herberts problem

Ryan Gibson on herberts problem
© leewil86

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I've voted for 124 photos, average vote 4.0.
(67% superb - 4% good - 4% average - 2% poor - 20% rubbish)

Anything Else We Should Know
i might not be a great climber but I love climbing and the outdoors

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