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Meall Garbh from Ben Lawers
© Robert Durran
Camera used: Fuji X-T2
Date taken: 16th May 2024
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User Comments

Robert, you should considering marketing the device you have on your camera that prevents you from taking a bad photo.
John Stainforth - 20/May/24
...or the device that makes amazing clouds appear!
Jamie Hageman - 20/May/24
Ha ha. You just don't get to see the hundreds of rubbish ones.
Robert Durran - 20/May/24 Ansel Adams once said, '...its what gets left on the darkroom floor, that why my pictures are so good!'
Sean Kelly - 21/May/24
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This picture is copyright. If you want to reproduce or otherwise re-use it, please email the photographer direct via their user profile. Photo added May 20 2024.
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