User Comments
What a belter!
Mark Collins - 05/Jun/14
Good one Fraser, it's a 5 from me!
jshields - 05/Jun/14
Agreed, this is a cracker.
Charlie Noakes - 05/Jun/14
5 Awesome
PD - 05/Jun/14
Brill! 5*.
jon - 05/Jun/14
Stroppy Gob - Banned User - 06/Jun/14
Congratulations! This photo was chosen as Photo of the Week, based on votes by registered users over the past 7 days.
UKC Photos - 08/Jun/14
Great photo, have you enhanced the background stuff?
Simonfarfaraway - 08/Jun/14
Cheers for the comments all. Simon: not much actually, some shadows/highlights adjusting in LR to bring out the foreground slightly, and a bit of clarity & sharpening. It was such an amazing sky that evening it didn't really need much 'assistance'!
Fraser - 09/Jun/14
Fraser, this is a stupendous shot mate. Fantastic.
catt - 09/Jun/14
p.s. Were you using any filters?
catt - 09/Jun/14
Howdy stranger! Yes, I had a .6ND soft grad on sideways/diagonally. [Will email you off-line - been meaning to for ages.]
Fraser - 09/Jun/14
Apart from the fall, that Sigma 10-20 is creating all the drama in this stunning image. Background is not bad either.
Sean Kelly - 09/Jun/14
Best photo I have seen on here for a long time. Stunning
Dickon151 - 10/Jun/14
At last, a photo REALLY worthy of POTW. Love it, here's my 5. Just a little pitty that those clouds don't extent any further towards you.
y2keable - 13/Jun/14
nice wan si! cranking hard!!
emily roo - 13/Jun/14
TimC123 - 02/Jul/14
Awesome light and well timed photo!
JoshRawson - 09/Jun/17