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The fall on the Worlds Highest artificial climbing Tower (37m) in Bjoeks Climbing Center, Groningen, NL.
©Kamil Tamiola
Camera used: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Date taken: 21st May 2011
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User Comments

Photographer: Kamil Tamiola | |
Kamil Tamiola - 22/Jun/11
Different. The contrast of colour really makes this one work. Have a 5!
Sean Kelly - 27/Jun/11
Cheers mate! These were the finals of the Dutch National Climbing Championship 2011 (NSK2011) and believe me or not... My back was killing me... I spent at least 3h in a constant hanging belay... half the way up the tower :)
Kamil Tamiola - 27/Jun/11
Great sky, colours etc but isn't Holland a pretty flat place? Personal tastes and all that but i find the extremely skewed horizon a total distraction (even taking into account for using particular lenses), when the colours, composition of climber, wall and sky would arguably not be affected if it were straight.
HStudierende - 03/May/12
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This picture is copyright. Photo added June 22 2011.
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