UKH News Help Page

We tend to write news reports in-house, but there is occasional scope for freelance writers. Please send news tips and pitches to [email protected]. Please direct PR to [email protected].

UKHillwalking covers outdoor-related news of interest to walkers and hill runners from all over the UK, and occasional overseas stories. Our News page features editorial news, plus news and jobs from the Outdoor Industry, and our latest Competition. If you can't find help for your problem here, then please contact us and we'll be happy to help.

  1. Which news items are featured on the News page?
    News items are selected by our Editorial team for publication. All items will be featured on the News page after we publish them until they drop off the stack as they are superseeded by newer items. The top featured news item, in a slot on the top left of the page, is chosen from the current stories at the descretion of the News Editor.
  2. How do I find older news items? You can use the search link on this page to find older news items from a particular month, or using keyword search.

Events Diary

The Events Diary is linked in to the News page and the Forums. Items in the diary are displayed at various points across the site, including on the News page as they approach, and on the Home page as they approach for Premier Events. They are also listed in the weekly UKHillwalking Newsletter.

Premier Events are linked to Premier Posts on the Forums. They have greater prominence in the Events Diary and on the News page and are the only events to be displayed on the Home page.

  1. How do I submit an event?
    Basic Event listings are free and can be submitted to our diary using this form.
  2. How do I submit a Premier Event?
    You need a UKHillwalking user account to submit a Premier Event (more here). Start a Premier Post in the Forums, and choose the Event Rate (more on Premier Post here). Once this is set up, next submit your Event using the Send Us Your Event form and include the link to your Premier Post. The UKHillwalking staff will sort out the rest.

UKHillwalking Newsletter

The UKHillwalking Newsletter is sent out around once a week and contains the latest hillwalking News headlines, summarries of our latest Articles, Photos, Forum Threads and any new developments at UKHillwalking.

  1. How do I subscribe to the Newsletter?
    All UKHillwalking Registered Users are automatically subscribed to the Newsletter. To check you need to go to your User Options.
  2. How do I unsubscribe to the Newsletter?
    If you don't want to receive it you can easily unsubscribe via your User Options page where you can also update your email address and change between the HTML or text-only version.
  3. What Format is the Newsletter in?
    The Newsletter is sent out in HTML format (email with images that looks like a web page) or as a text-only email.
  4. Why can't I READ the Newsletter
    The HTML version of the Newsletter sometimes appears with broken images, or a badly formatted. To see the correct version you can view the Latest Newsletter page which is linked to at the top of the HTML email. You can receive an alert every time we send a Newsletter out by either choosing to receive the text-only version, or subscribing to the RSS feed .
  5. Why can't I RECEIVE the Newsletter
    Some anti-spam mail filters block all HTML emails. If this is your own computer anti-spam filter then you should be able to set it not to block emails from UKHillwalking. If the Newsletter is never reaching your machine because of anti-spam filters on your ISP or server then there probably isn't much we can do about it. It is always possible to see the latest version on the Latest Newsletter page, and you can set up an RSS feed to alert you every time we send out a new Newsletter. You could also opt to receive the text-only version in your User Options page as an alert.
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