Contributed by OwenSW Jun/21 - This public hilllist has been seen 477 times

A selection of the best VS - HVS routes starting from the bottom of the coombe ending at the top. Plan is to do all in a day

Climbing into the light on Elrond  © JonoDHawkins
Climbing into the light on Elrond
Jono Hawkins, Sep 2018
© JonoDHawkins

3 users are subscribed to this hilllist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st OwenSW 66% 3 Jun, 2023
2nd Trevers 41% 24 Mar
3rd kanys 8% 5 Mar, 2022

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Note: Only showing summits, scrambles, winter routes, and low grade climbs

Distribution of grades - Trad

Top 12 photos of this hilllist

A glorious day at the coombe

A glorious day at the coombe
© nolan

Climbing into the light on Elrond

Climbing into the light on Elrond
© JonoDHawkins

Enjoying the climbing on Gandalf!

Enjoying the climbing on Gandalf!
© steve-grigg

Starting the lead up Disaster Area

Disaster Area
Starting the lead up Disaster Area
© lohadavis

Me seconding - about halfway (before bailing out near top)

Disaster Area
Me seconding - about halfway (before bailing out near top)
© Nic Marie

descending after lead

Disaster Area
descending after lead
© Nic Marie

The crux of Open Knightly (second ascent)

Open Knightly
The crux of Open Knightly (second ascent)
© Mark Davis

Climbing at Goblin Combe, Somerset. Route, Gandalf

Climbing at Goblin Combe, Somerset. Route, Gandalf
© Mayaculpa

My first HVS at Gobin Coombe (Disaster Area, 15m HVS 5a). Shaky camera seems to mirror my feelings at the time!

Disaster Area
My first HVS at Gobin Coombe (Disaster Area, 15m HVS 5a). Shaky camera seems to mirror my feelings at the time!
© Tamlyn

lem about to start the crux of Elrond

lem about to start the crux of Elrond
© lem

steve prior to the start of the crux sequence

steve prior to the start of the crux sequence
© stvredmond

Tinkywinky at the top of Elrond

Tinkywinky at the top of Elrond
© lem

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Bard the Bowman Variation(Not Gremlin Groove) E1 5b ** 43 18m Goblin Combe
The Naked Rambler VS 4c * 149 24m Goblin Combe
Elrond VS 4c ** 969 ? Goblin Combe
Open Knightly HVS 5a * 86 20m Goblin Combe
Legolas HVS 5a * 393 ? Goblin Combe
Pippin HVS 5b * 397 ? Goblin Combe
Disaster Area HVS 5a ** 913 18m Goblin Combe
Balin VS 5a 24 12m Goblin Combe
Gandalf HVS 5a * 273 18m Goblin Combe
Glamdring VS 4c * 174 ? Goblin Combe
Sky Larking VS 4c * 42 18m Goblin Combe
Ganderflanking HVS 5a ** 39 20m Goblin Combe
1 e, 15 stars 3,502 148m 12
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