Contributed by OssBoss Jun/23 - This public hilllist has been seen 831 times

Under the great roof of Sou'ester Slabs  © RBonney
Under the great roof of Sou'ester Slabs
© RBonney, Oct 2021

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Note: Only showing summits, scrambles, winter routes, and low grade climbs

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Top 12 photos of this hilllist

Late afternoon soloing on the Rosetta Stone, Arran

Rosetta Stone
Late afternoon soloing on the Rosetta Stone, Arran
© ieuanr

An exercise of friction. The Rosetta Stone on the Rossa Pinnacle, Cir Mhor

Rosetta Stone
An exercise of friction. The Rosetta Stone on the Rossa Pinnacle, Cir Mhor
© Victoria de Ga

Callum Johnson climbing the mega classic Rosetta Stone, Cir Mhor, Rosa Pinacle.

Rosetta Stone
Callum Johnson climbing the mega classic Rosetta Stone, Cir Mhor, Rosa Pinacle.
© Callum_Johnson

Perfect Friction

Rosetta Stone
Perfect Friction
© Hannah Dry

Will padding up the iconic Rosetta Stone on Cir Mhor

Rosetta Stone
Will padding up the iconic Rosetta Stone on Cir Mhor
© danbrown95

Unknown climbers tackling the crux.

South Ridge Direct
Unknown climbers tackling the crux.
© David Cooper

Padding up The Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone
Padding up The Rosetta Stone
© David Thompson

Topping out to an October sunset on South Ridge Direct, Chir Mhor accompanied by the sounds of the Rut.

South Ridge Direct
Topping out to an October sunset on South Ridge Direct, Chir Mhor accompanied by the sounds of the Rut.

Faith in friction

Rosetta Stone
Faith in friction
© Georgie25

Layback to glory!

South Ridge Direct
Layback to glory!
© CSowden

The Rosa Pinnacle, Arran

South Ridge Direct
The Rosa Pinnacle, Arran
© cat22

Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone
© Wylie

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Mosque VS 4c ** 29 230m • 7 A'Chir
Rosetta Stone VS 5a ** 93 15m Cir Mhor
Labyrinth Direct Finish S ** 32 40m Cir Mhor
Labyrinth VS 4b ** 129 120m • 6 Cir Mhor
South Ridge Direct VS 5a *** 804 395m • 13 Cir Mhor
Sou'wester Slabs VD *** 796 110m • 5 Cir Mhor
Caliban's Creep VD ** 120 ? Cir Mhor
Angel's Pavement S 4b ** 20 ? Rosa Slabs
Blank VS 4b *** 111 130m • 3 Rosa Slabs
A' Chir Ridge Traverse M *** 500 ? A'Chir
Tidemark S 4b *** 21 ? Cioch na h-Oighe
27 stars 2,655 1,040m 40
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