Contributed by C Witter Sep/20 - This public hilllist has been seen 2,823 times

101 routes from bumbler to competence.

chris p duck  © chris p duck
chris p duck
© chris p duck

58 users are subscribed to this hilllist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Martin Bennett 93% 5 Jun, 2023
2nd Hidden 67% 24 Jul
3rd Ian Hinkins 66% 1 Jun, 2023
4th stewart murray 63% 8 Jul
5th steveoracle 62% 22 Jan, 2023
5th Iain Brown 62% 11 Jul, 2022
6th Hidden 61% 17 Sep, 2021
7th Aled Williams 58% 5 Jul
8th LoneDeranger 50% 19 May
9th babymoac 48% 17 Jul, 2023

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Note: Only showing summits, scrambles, winter routes, and low grade climbs

Distribution of grades - Trad

Top 12 photos of this hilllist

Chris Bonington still climbing at 78. Legend

Little Chamonix
Chris Bonington still climbing at 78. Legend
© Paluchi

Pinnacle Ridge, St Sunday Crag, Lakes

Pinnacle Ridge
Pinnacle Ridge, St Sunday Crag, Lakes
© Sean Kelly

Gimmer String

Gimmer String
© Nadir khan

Jade making her way up Botterill's Slab in the cloud.

Botterill's Slab
Jade making her way up Botterill's Slab in the cloud.
© JohnHartley

great night on napes needle

The Wasdale Crack
great night on napes needle
© tjmillen

Lake District cloud inversion

Grooved Arete
Lake District cloud inversion
© milus

"Katie, can you climb Little Chamonix in a dinosaur suit?" "You bet Jurassican!"

Little Chamonix
"Katie, can you climb Little Chamonix in a dinosaur suit?" "You bet Jurassican!"
© Luke Briggs

'D' Route, Gimmer

'D' Route
'D' Route, Gimmer
© Steve Broadbent

Pinnacle Ridge, St Sunday Crag, Lakes

Pinnacle Ridge
Pinnacle Ridge, St Sunday Crag, Lakes
© Sean Kelly

Summer days at Gimmer

North West Arete
Summer days at Gimmer
© davelongbottom

The first 'climb to BASE' exit of Tophet Wall.

Tophet Wall
The first 'climb to BASE' exit of Tophet Wall.
© Tom McNally

Evening Light on Gimmer. Sean B sneaks one last route in.

North West Arete
Evening Light on Gimmer. Sean B sneaks one last route in.
© neil the weak

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Pinnacle Ridge Grade-3 *** 1607 ? St. Sunday Crag
Giant's Crawl (Summer) D *** 1114 ? Dow Crag
Bowfell Buttress HS 4b *** 1185 110m • 4 Bowfell
Trinity Slabs VD ** 1278 ? • 3 Wallowbarrow Crag
Raven Crag Buttress VD *** 490 ? Raven Crag, Combe...
Ash Tree Slabs VD *** 1796 ? Gimmer Crag
Little Chamonix VD *** 7977 70m • 4 Shepherd’s Crag
New West Climb VD *** 455 ? Pillar
Needle Ridge VD *** 1649 114m • 5 The Napes
Grooved Arete HVD *** 386 ? Pikes Crag
'D' Route S 4a *** 1386 ? Gimmer Crag
Via Media S 4a ** 1646 38m Castle Rock of...
Bracket and Slab Climb S *** 1501 97m • 5 Gimmer Crag
Red Slab S 4a *** 200 18m Kettle Crag
Kennel Wall S 4a *** 981 37m • 2 Gouther Crags
Sadgill Wall S 4a ** 291 ? Buckbarrow Crag
Thomas S 4a *** 1932 ? • 3 Wallowbarrow Crag
Troutdale Pinnacle S *** 3832 105m • 6 Black Crag...
Gillercombe Buttress S 4a *** 1913 ? Gillercombe
Oxford and Cambridge Direct Route S 4a *** 877 ? Grey Crag...
Murray's Route S 4a *** 1133 ? Dow Crag
Pisgah Buttress Direct S ** 90 101m • 5 Scafell Crag
Revelation HS 4b *** 2461 43m • 2 Raven Crag...
Route 2 HS 4b *** 1663 37m • 2 Raven Crag...
Rib and Slab Climb HS 4b *** 339 ? Pillar
The Wasdale Crack HS 4c *** 1240 17m • 2 The Napes
Tophet Wall HS 4b *** 1377 75m • 4 The Napes
Honister Wall HS 4b ** 276 ? Buckstone How
Eagle's Nest Ridge Direct VS 4b *** 346 45m The Napes
Fortiter VS 4b *** 185 ? Grey Crag...
Hedera Grooves VS 4c ** 328 ? Falcon Crag
Digitation VS 4c ** 1366 ? Wallowbarrow Crag
Direct Route VS 4b *** 1251 ? Castle Rock of...
Jean Jeanie HVS 4c *** 2080 25m Trowbarrow
Eve VS 4c *** 2000 ? Shepherd’s Crag
Thunderclap VS 4c ** 129 ? Little How Crag
Bilberry Buttress VS 4c *** 1937 76m • 3 Raven Crag...
Rake End Wall VS 4c *** 624 ? Pavey Ark
North West Arete VS 4b *** 1339 ? Gimmer Crag
'F' Route VS 4c *** 1162 ? Gimmer Crag
The Crack VS 4c *** 1249 60m Gimmer Crag
Dexter Wall VS 5a *** 361 ? Grey Crag...
North-West Climb VS 4b *** 155 ? Pillar
Cravat VS 4c ** 157 ? Neckband Crag
Sinister Grooves VS 4c *** 376 ? Buckstone How
Falconer's Crack VS 4c ** 49 ? Eagle Crag...
The Shroud VS 4c ** 674 ? Black Crag...
Innominate Crack VS 4b *** 505 40m • 2 Kern Knotts
Moss Ghyll Grooves VS 4c *** 670 79m • 4 Scafell Crag
Haste Not VS 4c *** 867 ? White Ghyll
The Gordian Knot VS 4c *** 930 ? White Ghyll
Engineer's Slabs VS 4c *** 459 60m • 2 Gable Crag
Eliminate 'A' VS 4c *** 1352 110m • 6 Dow Crag
Botterill's Slab VS 4c *** 794 87m • 3 Scafell Crag
Eagle Front VS 4c *** 322 150m • 8 Eagle Crag...
Square Chimney/Medusa Wall Combination VS 4c *** 191 ? Esk Buttress (Dow...
Moss Ledge Direct and Jones' Arete VS 4c *** 195 ? Scafell Crag
Mickledore Grooves VS 5a *** 347 67m • 2 Scafell East...
Sobrenada HVS 5a *** 214 ? Eagle Crag...
Ann's Agony HVS 5b ** 503 ? Black Crag (Wrynose)
Hollow Earth HVS 5a *** 623 26m Trowbarrow
Golden Slipper HVS 5a *** 1104 ? Pavey Ark
Aquarius HVS 5a *** 45 49m Pavey Ark
Kern Knotts Crack HVS 4c ** 264 42m • 2 Kern Knotts
Laugh Not HVS 5b *** 735 ? White Ghyll
Pluto HVS 5a *** 1287 ? • 3 Raven Crag...
Tritus-Protus HVS 5a *** 254 ? Raven Crag...
Mandrake HVS 5a *** 1008 ? Quayfoot Buttress
Irony HVS 5a ** 669 ? Quayfoot Buttress
High Crag Buttress HVS 5a *** 226 ? High Crag
Sostenuto HVS 5a ** 347 ? Gouther Crags
Lakeland Cragsman HVS 5a *** 1016 45m Sergeant Crag Slabs
Finale HVS 5a *** 1080 ? Shepherd’s Crag
Overhanging Bastion HVS 5a *** 1014 ? Castle Rock of...
Kipling Groove HVS 5a *** 1242 ? Gimmer Crag
Jabberwock HVS 5b ** 105 ? Gable Crag
The Yellow Slab HVS 4c *** 111 ? Scafell East...
The Centaur HVS 5a *** 157 ? Scafell East...
Fang Direct E1 5a ** 352 ? Gouther Crags
Slit Wall E1 5b ** 245 ? Hare Crags
Conclusion E1 5b *** 1076 ? Shepherd’s Crag
Razor Crack E1 5b *** 344 ? Neckband Crag
Do Not Direct E1 5b ** 515 46m • 2 White Ghyll
Gethsemane E1 5b ** 162 ? High Crag
The First Touch E1 5b ** 702 ? Black Crag (Wrynose)
Trespasser Groove E1 5a *** 173 ? Esk Buttress (Dow...
Copper Dragon E1 5b ** 30 91m • 5 Great How Crag
Capella E1 5b *** 810 70m • 2 Pavey Ark
Central Buttress E1 5b *** 658 122m • 6 Scafell Crag
Harlot Face E1 5b ** 348 ? Castle Rock of...
Gimmer String E1 5b *** 475 ? Gimmer Crag
Whit's End Direct E1 5b *** 814 ? Gimmer Crag
Raindrop E1 5b *** 921 ? • 4 Black Crag...
Gormenghast E1 5b *** 431 53m • 3 Heron Crag, Eskdale
Woolly Jumper E1 5b *** 93 ? Bowfell
Emperor E1 5b *** 12 ? Raven Crag...
The Philistine E1 5b *** 253 ? High Crag
Aaros E1 5b *** 898 ? Shepherd’s Crag
Praying Mantis E1 5b *** 573 ? • 3 Goat Crag,...
Nimrod E1 5c *** 437 ? Dow Crag
Leverage E1 5b *** 212 ? Scafell East...
23 e, 280 stars 86,013 2,205m 178
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