Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 898m a.s.l
Faces N

Avalanche/Red Wall/Longland's Continuation (S) on Lliwedd © Mark Reeves

Summit of this hill

This summit is listed in Marilyns, Nuttalls, Hewitts, Welsh Mountains (2000ft+), Trail 100, The Welsh 100, Top Welsh HUMPs hill lists.

This summit has been climbed in 672 logbooks.

Hill features

The highest cliff in England & Wales was also one of the first to be explored by the 19th Century pioneers training for the greater ranges, the Climber's Club published their first guidebook for Lliwedd and many famous names have left their mark on the mountain.

The decision was made by the Lliwedd guidebook author to ommit *stars* from the latest edition so do not be put off by starless routes, routes that have been given stars in select and winter guidebooks have been shown here. Lliwedd is a serious cliff with a reputation for difficult route-finding, poor protection and being hopelessly difficult when wet.

Must do routes include: Slanting Buttress Ridge Route (D), Horned Crag Route (VD), Avalanche, Red Wall and Longland's Continuation (S), The Sword (VS) and Terminator (E1).

Approach notes

The usual approach is by following the Miner's Track from Pen-y-Pass to Llyn Llydaw before contouring above the South shore and striking directly up to the required area of the cliff base.

Route Cards

Sorry, There are no Route Cards associated with this hill
Climbed on a fine day in September- were the only climbers on the crag-(not counting the 8 ravens) 10 great pitches/800 foot of lovely easy climbing-must rank as my best multi pitch experience.
bobpilgrem - 16/Sep/10
Lliwedd has arguably the best (certainly the longest)mountaineering routes in England and Wales. Plenty of holds on the classic routes, but can be awkward in the wet. Old-fashioned and uncrowded - great!
Mac B - 05/Aug/06
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