Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 884m a.s.l
Faces N

Dalriada _ 08 © Fraser

Summit of this hill

This summit is listed in Corbetts, Marilyns, El-mo, Trail 100, Funros, Ticks without Lymes, TGO Finest 40 hill lists.

This summit has been climbed in 526 logbooks.

Hill features

Rarely - if ever - called by its other name, Ben Arthur, The Cobbler is one of the most distinctive Scottish mountains. The high point on Centre Peak can only be reached (and escaped) by a short but very exposed grade 3 scramble, though many walkers settle for the adjacent easy ground.

The dramatic triple peaks of The Cobbler offer some excellent climbing through most of the grade spectrum in both summer and winter.

The South Peak has two different facets. The open and sunny South Face offers bold climbing on good slabby rock. By comparison the North Face is gloomy and dark, providing some classic winter routes.

The Centre Peak, although rather sprawling, includes an impressive rocky pinnacle which forms the mountain's summit, and the lower buttress gives some good winter climbing, including The Cathedral (X 11).

The North Peak's upper tier presents two massive overhanging noses of compact rock which are the most impressive rock features in the Southern Highlands. Tracking through steep ground are a choice of classic routes of all grades from Severe to E7. At least 10 routes merit a 3-star rating, including Whither Whether, which is the best-positioned VS pitch in Scotland, and the sensational steep prow of Dalriada.

Approach notes

Two approach options. The fast but less scenic option follows a faint boggy path from Glen Croe up the back of the mountain. Alternatively, from the pay-and-display carpark at Succoth take the main Cobbler path as far as the dam. Either cross the river above this and follow the ridge above to the peak, or continue up the path until a left branch that leads into the corrie between the peaks.

Route Cards

The Cobbler, Beinn Narnain, Beinn Ime & Beinn Luibhean

8.33 miles, 1,514m ascent, 5 – 7 hours. Balloch

The Cobbler

6.85 miles, 868m ascent, 3:30 hours. Helensburgh; Glasgow's pretty close too

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