Climbs 18
Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 984m a.s.l
Faces N

Hill features

One of the premium winter climbing venues in the Cuillin, a spread of high quality mixed lines from grade III up to grade VII. The altitude and aspect bring it into condition quickly and very often the routes are climbable when other crags are out of business. Descent is probably easiest by traversing Sgurr Thearlaich towards the TD Gap and then down climbing until an abseil is possible into the top of the Great Stone Shoot, there is also a convenient 50m abseil from a thread at the top of Gully E.

Summit of this hill

This summit is listed in Munro Tops, Cuillin Ridge Traverse hill lists.

This summit has been climbed in 183 logbooks.
Replaced ab tat yesterday. The original anchors were very unstable and wobbly, I wouldn't hang my pack of them never mind myself.
Cameron94 - 08/Oct/12
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