Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 1110m a.s.l
Faces N

Sgurr Mor and An Teallach beyond © Gawyllie

Summit of this hill

This summit is listed in Munros, Marilyns, Funros, Britain's Major Mountains, UK 3000ers hill lists.

This summit has been climbed in 212 logbooks.

Hill features

The highest crag in the Fannaichs with a Cold Climbs route in The Resurrection. It is not the remote crag that is suggested in guidebooks if you cycle up the pipeline from Loch Droma. Best when not icy or snowy on the tracks.

Conditions on the crag are variable depending on the amount of snow and freeze thaw. Some of the lines may have ice sometime but not at other times.

Ravens prospecting just left of The Resurrection so please be aware and responsible.

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