Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 2255m a.s.l
Faces N

Dawn breaks on a spectacular cloud inversion from the Naranjo de Bulnes. © ali k

Summit of this hill

This summit has been climbed in 13 logbooks.

Approach notes

Access from both South and North is a long but very interesting walk in great scenery.

Las Arenas is the last town with food and camping gas on the northerly approach. The last part of the drive (after Sotres) is 5km up an unmade track. The path from the road head at Collado de Pandebano to the Refugio Urriellu is obvious the whole way, about 5km and 800m ascent, though lovely scenery.

Good camping spots beside the hut and water from tap outside the hut. Hut a tad expensive for food as it all arrives by donkey! Bring lunch and breakfast supplies and buy the 3 course evening meal from the hut.

Route Cards

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I could be wrong but the Martinez Direct (via normal) should be IV+ not VI+. And is on the South face not East.
Julesthe1st - 23/May/21
60-90 mins slog/walk from the hut. Sun stays on even R side of wall until after 3pm. Belays appear to be well equipped for retreat. Generally, natural & fixed pro seems to be sparse whilst climbing.
Dave Rumney - 06/Oct/11
The grades in the database have been changed to UK trad for comparison/voting purposes despite them being given Alpine graes in the most recent guidebook.
alexanderpatton - 22/Aug/08
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